So Benjamin is already 6 weeks old! He's nearly 7 weeks actually. No longer a newborn baby :( Waaah! I always feel sad about that milestone, even though everything ahead of us is EXCITING! I just love me a precious bundle of newborn baby-ness! :)
Tomorrow Benjamin has his 6-8 week baby check with the doctor. That is the point at which I officially close down my pregnancy diary (as with the others) and put my lovely pregnancy, birth, and early weeks with my new sweetie behind me, and move onto all the exciting milestones and discovering his personality, and raising him, basically! The fun stuff! But it's always bittersweet to close my pregnancy diary down. I DO SO HOPE I'll be back! :)
I have my own postnatal check tomorrow as well - a different appointment with a different doctor, and I'm glad to have that coming up. I am doing fine. I really have had no issues or much pain at all from my stitches, which dissolved many weeks ago anyway. I have no discomfort now, and seem to have completely healed up. My bleeding has all but gone. I have only had a tiny bit of spotting for the last couple of weeks, although it's still going. I think the latest I stopped bleeding after a birth was 7 weeks with Matthew I think? Anyway, SOON! :) I'm really looking forward to that! I have been feeling mildly crampy occasionally these last few days too. That's just a note-to-self, in case it's relevant to something or other further down the line - I have no idea why I'm a bit crampy, and I'm not concerned about it.
I weighed myself a couple of weeks ago and I was 11 stone 3lbs, which means I have lost about 25lbs since the end of my pregnancy. I have a LOT more to lose, and some may have come off already since then, but I don't really keep track. I know from the other times that it just comes off extremely slowly over the first 6 months, and then suddenly starts FALLING off, so that by 8 months postpartum I have usually lost about 45lbs and am wondering what I'll do if I don't get pregnant again soon! ;)
I am really dreading the impending Great Postnatal Hair-Shedding Event 2009, urgh. That and the bleeding after giving birth are my only two real dislikes postpartum! The GPH-SE 2009 is also sort of combined with The Sudden Crew-Cut thing that starts around the same time, which I always feel super self-conscious about! But oh well! My "crew-cut" growth from my last baby is not quite grown out enough to tuck behind my ears, and it's driving me batty at the moment. I love that all this crazy hair is a reminder of having my babies though! :)
Breastfeeding is going great. I have no pain or bruisey feelings or anything like that. I am mostly just bothered by MEGA leakage as always. I soak everything, and I do mean everything, if I forget a breastpad and my milk lets down. Within seconds I am talking change my ENTIRE outfit including trousers and UNDERWEAR, hehe! It looks a bit like somebody tipped a bucket down my front (or two buckets, side by side, haha!). But the nights are humid and too warm at the moment and I hate having to wear a bra with breastpads in it at night. I have tried just pressing towels to my front when I feed Benjamin in the night, but inevitably fall asleep breastfeeding and then wake up in a wet bed! So last night I got desperate and taped breastpads to myself with masking tape, haha! I now have a nice red rash in the shape of the tape strips on my breasts. *sigh* Not a wise move! Oh well, back to bras and breastpads! ;) I am thankful for all the milk though! :)
Benjamin is doing great! I have no idea what he weighs. I'm eager to know but it's a huge faff to take him to get weighed at the clinic, so I just don't, and that means I don't know his weight, but oh well. They don't weigh babies at the doctor's check, only with the Health Visitor, but annoyingly the HV isn't doing any appointments tomorrow for some reason, so I can't get him checked when we go for our appointments. Neil is taking a day of holiday time tomorrow (which is why I arranged both the appts on the same day) so that he can stay with the other kids while just Benjamin and I go to our appointments. Maybe even just me for mine. I can't fathom having an internal examination behind a curtain while my four little boys frolic around on the other side (and let's face it, continually dart back and forth around the curtain *sigh*)! Definitely need someone to watch them for that! ;)
Benjamin is breastfeeding well, and pretty often. He doesn't use the Amby baby hammock at ALL at the moment. I would have to bounce and swing him in it FOREVER and then he'd wake if I stopped, and it was taking too much time away from the others, so I stopped using it around 4 weeks old, a few weeks ago. If Neil's home, Benjamin has all his day naps on my bed after breastfeeding to sleep usually. He co-sleeps with me at night anyway, and goes right back off to sleep on the breast every time he wakes to feed. I do all his feeds with us lying on our sides, tummy-to-tummy. There are not a lot of experiences in my life that I have found more precious and rewarding, seriously. I LOVE breastfeeding little babies at night time, and hang the sleep! It's too precious to bother about the resulting loss of sleep, and I can say this much easier having had four babies. I found it VERY hard the first baby, and a little with the second too. Now I see how quickly it's over and done with, and how soon they're out of my bed and no longer night nursing. It's a bit of a relief in some ways when they aren't nursing at night any more because of the SLEEP I get! :) Although, ours still don't tend to sleep through till about 18 months old, night-nursing or not :S But anyway - I love snuggling my tiny ones at night! The time is literally FLASHING by and I know my time is limited to enjoy this stage with Benjamin. I don't know how often he wakes or how many times. I think he might go 2-3 hours between wakings/feeds at night but I don't check the clock, the room is totally dark, and I try to stay as asleep as I possibly can. So I don't know. He isn't waking crazy frequently (like some other babies I have known!) like hourly or anything. He wakes a little more frequently when he's having a growth spurt I think, but again, I don't take too much notice and try to stay asleep! I no longer change his nappy at night unless I can tell/smell that he's done a poo. He doesn't usually do that any more. He saves a stonker for the morning, or else saves it allll up for a total blow-out in the afternoon! ;) He usually poos only once a day now, maybe twice, although today it was 3 times. His bottom is much less sore now that he isn't pooing so much, and it was much improved anyway once we stopped using baby wipes (we only use the sensitive ones anyway, but these still bothered his skin) and went back to cotton-wool and water. I use cotton pleats and fill a bowl of water before bed, and put them next to the bed at night.
He continues to bring up vast quantities of milk throughout the day and night, just as my other babies have done. Nathan was my least sicky baby, but he still had his moments. Benjamin is like Matthew and Arthur and I frequently need to change his clothes, my clothes, the bedsheets, etc. For this reason (and leaking milk), we sleep on a doubled up towel in bed! Then I only have to throw the towel in the laundry and put a new one down, rather than changing sheets like twice a day, lol! I also put bibs on him when he's in his bouncy chair, and NEVER walk anywhere without a terry towel in my hand or over my shoulder. It'll pass, but I have a few months to wait yet.
Benjamin is starting to outgrow his 0-3 month clothes. I'm desperate for Neil to get the 3-6 month baby clothes box down from the loft because I know Benjamin will fit the vests and sleepsuits well now. His 0-3 ones are getting too tight, and some of the smaller ones plain don't fit at all now. I can't believe he's getting so big so fast!
The birth mark on his back is really flaring up, as they do. It will start to fade after he's 6 months old, but it's quite eye-catching at the moment! His stork marks on his forehead and face don't look to me like they're fading yet though.
He's so precious! He smiles and coos all the time. His eyes instantly get this soft happy look of recognition when he sees me, and it melts my heart. He coos and coos at me, and anyone who stands still and close to his face enough for long enough really. He has "talked" to Arthur and Matthew quite a bit now, and tried with Nathan too! He now coos long sentences, which is new this week. It's such a soft lovely little sound - music to my ears.
The boys continue to absolutely love him. Nathan is really taken with him. He's only 19 months old but he will rock the bouncy chair very carefully if Benjamin is crying in it, and stroke his head gently. He gives him kisses all the time (ALL the time), and so sweetly puts his own beloved Monkey and Blankie next to him, many times a day, even if he's sleeping.
Benjamin spends the day downstairs with me and the boys, and naps in the bouncy chair. He requires rocking in it pretty much throughout his naps, and if I stop then he wakes up, usually within 30 seconds! *sigh* In the evenings, he has settled into his own routine of going to sleep for the night between 9 and 9.30pm for some reason. The only bad thing is that he requires a lot of "help" to get there. He won't usually breastfeed to sleep, but wants to be walked and walked and walked and walked till he's in a deep enough sleep to put down without waking. He wakes when put down VERY easily, and we've tried all the tips to reduce the likelihood of that, but still he wakes, unless walked for at least 30 minutes straight. Neil does this, in the evenings, as I am absolutely unable by then! It's tiring, and eats up most of our evening, and Benjamin cries much of that time till he's finally asleep. But then he sleeps well till about midnight or 1am. It's early days, and I'm not too worried about it, even though it's a bit difficult. I'm looking at the positives and glad to see that he's got himself into a routine of sorts, regarding the time that he settles for the night each evening. Hopefully the settling bit will get less difficult, and then we can start "tweaking" his bedtime, a bit earlier and a bit earlier over time. Also with the day naps in the bouncy chair. I'm hoping he'll show me some sort of sleep-wake pattern (actually I think if I were to note his nap times then I'd SEE a pattern already) and then as he gets more and more in a habit of that, I can work with him on putting him down at those times and making it upstairs in a quiet room, flat on his back, rather than in the bouncy chair surrounded by noisy siblings! Today I took him upstairs to change his nappy (big poo) and then he was very irate (!) so I breastfed him on the bed to calm him down (semi-havoc took place downstairs meanwhile!), and to my surprise he went to sleep and stayed there for a couple of hours! When I peeked in over the afternoon, I was so much happier seeing him in that quiet room, all comfy on his back on a flat bed, than seeing him snoozing in the bouncy chair and trying to guard it from the boys crashing into it with their toys or knees, etc!
I bought Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, but OH MY GOODNESS it's so huge!!!! I am so put off reading it by the sheer size, and feel like I'll never find any time to read it! So I haven't yet. I am longing to find my copy of Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, because we only loosely followed that with Matthew (see the efforts hugely kicking in after an experience with a baby like Arthur for sleep, hehe!) and it worked great for us. I used the principles to get Nathan napping well too. Those two have always napped well (since then), but I'm hesitant to assign the glory to any particular method - they might just have been babies who were more likely to nap well. Benjamin seems a little like Arthur was (but not as bad - not many babies are as bad as Arthur was, and trust me, I am not bragging!) so maybe I will have to work harder with him? But WORK I will. I can't fathom going through the sleep traumas we went through with Arthur, and in any case it's no longer feasible with several other small children to care for. Things need to run more smoothly the more children I have, and I am no longer scared to try things! The No Cry Sleep Solution didn't help Arthur's sleep at ALL, so I confess I was so put off it that I didn't really use it with the other boys, though I still have the book. I have no desire to do crying-it-out (I hate it, actually), but will not discount the possibility of doing something involving crying to get to the point where we have a baby who is happy and getting enough sleep, and a mummy who is happy and getting enough sleep, and a routine that works well for our family, and little ones who have enough time with their mummy! I don't like full-on "leave 'em to cry till the end of nap time" type of things though - that just seems mean! Anyway, those are my thoughts on that. I feel very much more laid back this time, a bit more so each baby, which is nice! It HAS taken me at least 3 babies to become more laid-back about all the stuff there is to deal with, when having a baby and small children, though. I really believe it's hard to get to that point with fewer than 3 kids, but I know there are mothers out there (doing better that I was!) who do.
I know it's still early days, but I would definitely (so far!) add my vote to the MANY who say that it gets easier after the first couple of babies, and that adding the fourth has been the easiest transition of all of them so far. Without a doubt, seriously. But adding number two was overwhelmingly difficult, almost unbearable so, I remember. Considering most of the population only have two babies, I can see why it must seem scary to have any more! But (conversely?) it DOES get easier after those first two. And easier after the first three. And hopefully easier again and again, because I for one would happily have a dozen more babies yet, and hope my lovely husband will continue to feel happy to allow God to control our family size and not prevent pregnancy. And that God will continue to open my womb and bless us with more babies! Today was a difficult day with difficult children, but even so (and before bedtime, no less!) I sat thinking I would love ten more! I feel like this is exactly what I was meant to do, exactly what I have always wanted, and I have always wanted it because God has set it in my heart to desire it, because he intended it for me in the first place.
I have a lot to learn about the juggling of it all, and am falling waaaaay short still (and surely always will, since that's human nature after all!) - tonight I drank my water out of a pyrex measuring jug because there was nothing clean to drink out of - the house is in a complete and utter STATE, but I am spending time with my children, they are getting tickled and cuddled and read to, and nappies are getting changed (still 3 in nappies full-time at the mo), babies are getting their naps, most meals are being made (cereal and toast for dinner tonight though, shamefully!) by me from scratch, and the boys are getting to do a craft activitiy with me most days. I get down on the floor and play cars and trains and Duplo. They watch way too much TV still, but we are now back to playing worship music for a good part of the day instead, and reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible (thanks Shannon!) several times a day (at Arthur's request!). I'm there for the boys, but at the cost of the house (and the occasional meal). Everyone says it's okay to do that, and the kids are much more important, and I agree. But there is a line, surely?! We have nothing clean (laundry running this evening though) and the house is actually getting hazardous in the clutter on the floor, and yucky in terms of hygeine especially in the kitchen. I have left a message at that Molly Maid company TWICE now asking for an estimate but they haven't returned my calls, so I'm annoyed about that! We definitely want somebody to come and clean our home for this stage of our lives, so that I can maintain what I need to do with the boys, and start homeschooling properly (eek!), and settle a new baby into a routine, while we have the money to do so. But nobody will return my calls! Tsk! Will persevere, or find a different company maybe?
Anyway, I guess this is the final entry for this lovely pregnancy diary that I am SO fond of, for now. Boo-hoo! I love it here, and you can bet I'll be back. Whether God blesses us with another baby or not, I will be back. You know I go crazy and get all excited once my periods return, and I will want to write about that to keep track of them getting back to normal again (and thus nearer to being fertile again!). I'm filled with joy at the thought of God maybe blessing me to carry another baby inside me again, to experience all this wonderfulness all over again. I have been so blessed to have a healthy pregnancy and a lovely birth - OH! I haven't written the birth story!! I meant to do that before closing down here at 6 weeks.... Well, I have written the early labour part so far, but then haven't had chance since. I will finish that as soon as I can, and let's see... I will post it here when it's done and link to it in a blog entry at my main blog, so that you'll know it's here when I get around to posting it. Maybe I'll even post it there too? I don't know. Anyway, I will still close up here now, and just add the birth story as a "p.s." when it's done! I really want to write it and tell you guys how the birth went in more detail!
Also if the appointments tomorrow bring up anything unexpected then I will end up writing another post about that here too, but I'm just expecting everything to be run-of-the-mill and fine, so there will be nothing to write about really. I'll continue to update about Benjamin (amongst other things!) at my main blog from now on. I haven't had much chance to update there for a bit but I hope to get some blogging done again soon! And photos!
Talking of photos, I haven't posted nearly enough here of Benjamin since he was born! Here are some random ones to get vaguely up to date with his first 6 weeks! I haven't got the ones off the camera from the last week or so, but they'll have to go on the other blog as and when I get time. Here are the ones I DO have, though! :)
Benjamin asleep in "our" bed at night (hence grainy, but too cute not to photograph! I love the very-stretched-arms!) - 3 weeks and 2 days old:
Benji-boo-bean (yes, those cutesy nicknames again, hehe!) at 3 weeks old:
Benjamin with his daddy, 3 weeks old:
And here are a few photos of Nathan and Benjamin, in the same little "photo shoot" that I did where I got a lovely photo of all four boys together (which you can see here at my main blog. I didn't post these at the main blog, but I loved some of them. Nathan does seem to love Benjamin sooo! :)
Kisses! :)
Stroking Benjamin's head gently (he does this sort of limp-wristed style):
Nathan still fascinated by Benjamin, but Benjamin now completely fed-up of having photos taken, hehe!
This is a photo of what I found when I had to leave Benjamin crying in his Amby hammock (3 weeks old here too) to change Nathan's nappy and put him down for his nap. Benjamin screamed and screamed and forgot to breathe in and all that stuff that newborns do when they're super duperly angry and neglected! :S I had no choice though, and this is the first baby where I have not felt stressed out in this situation (yay!). Anyway, he screamed till I was almost done putting Nathan to bed and then suddenly stopped. When I went to get him, he was sucking his two middle fingers and sleeping! He looked so sweet, so I took a photo (ignore the goo in the corner of his eye which matches his sleepsuit, haha! I squirted that eye with breastmilk a few times over the next 24 hours and it was right as rain):
This last one is the most recent one I have got that's off the camera - he was 4 weeks and 5 days old here, so I have two weeks missing from this blog on the camera! :( But I'll try to upload those to my main blog soon. Here is Benjamin in his bouncy chair, just woken up from a lil nap (so slightly dopey looking!):
Thank you so much once AGAIN to all who have loved and supported me here through another pregnancy. Thank you for being excited with me for ANOTHER baby boy, and for leaving comments and cheering me on. Thanks for all the wise advice and all the many congratulations. I always appreciate these things so very much! Thank you most of all for praying me through this pregnancy, the birth, and the first few weeks. I love you!!
Thank you Lord for another healthy baby, another healthy pregnancy and precious birth experience. Thank you that I was able to have Benjamin at home, and your hand was upon him, and upon me too. Thank you for Heather, my doula, and the blessing that she was to us. I know you totally planned for her to be part of Benjamin's arrival. Thank you Father for BENJAMIN! I am overjoyed to see your promise to me coming true - the baby boy named Benjamin that you told me would come next even 9 months before he was conceived! Here he is, and I am unable to express my gratitude to you, Lord, and my joy at being his mother. I praise you for graciously timing Benjamin's conception and birth according to your plan, without any effort at controlling it from Neil and I. Thank you for the freedom that comes with trusting you! I ask you please Lord to bless us again, to open up my womb and enable me to conceive again, in your perfect timing. If it pleases you to bless me with a daughter or even a couple of daughters, then I ask that you would, please Lord! But you know I will be overflowing with joy to be the blessed mummy of FIVE sons if you choose that for us, in your wisdom! There isn't any "worse" scenario. Your plan is perfect and I embrace it with joy and thanksgiving! I love you Lord, and I thank you for your blessings! Help me parent these little ones well. I need you every moment of every day. I trust you, Lord. Amen.
Until next time, friends! xxx