At 10 weeks and 5 days I had a really heavy bleed, and I got another ultrasound scan two days later as a result. This picture is from the scan at exactly 11 weeks - Beanlet measured 11 weeks and 1 day:
Here are three very similar pictures of Beanlet from the nuchal scan, at exactly 13 weeks. Beanlet measured 13 weeks and 1 day - a day ahead for the third time running, so my due date was changed by one day. You can see Beanlet's little hand up by his/her face in a couple of these! He/she is lying on the placenta (the nice thick grey cushion underneath Beanlet!):
Here are the two ultrasound pictures from the "Big Scan" at 21 weeks, where we found out that Beanlet is a BOY, and thus a Nathan! :) We didn't get as many pictures this time as with Matthew, and the two we got were basically the same, but Nathan was rubbing his nose with his hand during the photos, which was really sweet! Here he is!