Ohhh it's been way too long since I updated! Almost 3 weeks! I definitely do not want to repeat that again - I like to keep up with every little thing that happens in my pregnancies!
And it's 11pm now (bedtime for me) so I can't stay and update about anything. I just had to touch base. I just uploaded a belly pic (just the belly) for 22 weeks, although it wasn't actually taken till 22 weeks and 5 days, but oh well. I missed the 22 week belly pic last pregnancy too, how odd!
Today I'm 24 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it?! So it's belly pic day again today, but we haven't got around to it yet. Hopefully tomorrow though.
Thanks for all the lovely messages after my scan! I'm SO IN LOVE with Nathan already, to the point where I am already thanking God that he's a boy and not a girl :) I knew that would happen. Although, I did not have any "blues" after this scan, which was unexpected! Nice though :) It took me a couple of days to call him by name and say "he" when referring to him, but that's all. I just love him to bits! We all call him Nathan now, and Arthur talks about him a lot. Arthur has felt him kick several times now, and seems in silent awe about it every time!
Nathan is officially "viable" from today! Wheeeee! I can't believe I'm getting this far into my pregnancy! I have my 24-week antenatal appt with my GP on Wednesday. Totally dreading it as I have to take the boys and the last few times I've had to cart them to the doctor's surgery, it has NOT been any fun. At all. So I'm not looking forward to it! Nobody can help me out so they have to come with me. I will update about my appt midweek if I get chance, and hopefully post my 24-week belly pic then (and a more detailed update!).
I've been having headaches a lot lately (bad ones that won't go with painkillers) but I have taken my blood pressure during them and it's always something around 120/65 so it's not a blood pressure thing. My head feels TOO full of blood sometimes, like I can't ease the congestion because it's just vascular. Also I am getting ultra tense in my neck and shoulders these days. Can't figure out why, but I'm sure it's contributing. Anyway, so that's no fun but it's manageable I guess.
Nathan is making MUCH bigger and stronger movements these days. He has had a couple of big growth spurts lately (characterised by me eating a TON while he's super quiet for a couple of days, then me feeling like a slug for the next two days while he kicks bigger than ever before with tons of energy!). I will have to look up his stats and measurements for 24 weeks - haven't checked that kind of thing in a while. It's all whizzing by so fast! Last week he made his first big stretching/shoving movements with his whole body that actually HURT me! I think he's much later than my other boys though, with that :)
I'm making colostrum! I noticed it about 2 weeks ago - I think it was a few days after I last wrote an entry here, so maybe somewhere nearing 22 weeks? Anyway. I noticed increased pain when nursing the boys, and that they seemed to be less just comfort sucking and more TRYING to get something out of there, hehe! So one evening I tried hand expressing a bit to see if there was anything there, and there WAS! I was so excited!! It still seems white-ish to me, but it was thicker and like syrup in consistency, so I know it's colostrum (or the beginnings of it). Ever since then, I've been asking Arthur if there's any milky in there when he nurses (I occasionally asked him that before and he said, "No, none at all!" in a very forlorn tone!), and he says yes every time! So I'm glad the boys are getting something again, especially good immune-boosting stuff like colostrum :) I hand expressed a little again tonight and found the same white-ish colostrum at first, then a little more that was clear as water, but syrupy in consistency - that's much more what I remember of colostrum from my previous pregnancies, so I'm definitely producing it now, hooray! Now that will stay until my milk comes in after Nathan is born. I love lactating! I always feel kind of.... at a loose-end, sort of, unsatisfied (or something!) when I dry up during pregnancy for a month or two.
Arthur's nursing sessions are now very short, by my choice, but he seems happy enough about it. He only nurses a couple of times a day, and only for a couple of minutes at a time now, which is a HUGE change for Arthur. He has his normal breastfeed in bed at bedtime though, and without his afternoon nap he is so sleepy that he pretty much nurses to sleep at bedtime every night. When he doesn't, he CAN go to sleep by himself without us in the room though, so that's okay. He nurses to sleep within 10 minutes, so that's the longest he ever breastfeeds for now. I can't see him weaning for a while yet, myself, unless I choose to lead him in that direction. Which I have no intention of doing :)
Okay, I could write soooooo much more, but I must go to bed. Just wanted to check in, and have ended up writing more than I thought I would, so that's good! Oh, I weighed myself at 23w3d (I think?) and was 9st 8lbs. I think that's a total gain of 17lbs. Will have to compare it with my previous pregnancies. It doesn't really matter though. I'm pretty sure to end up gaining approximately 54lbs anyways! ;)
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