Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another labour update!

Although, I still can't really get my head around the fact that this might actually really and truly be LABOUR! It's soooo surreal.

I am having some very light bleeding, just occasionally when I wipe and a little on my pad - just pink, not red. Still losing my mucus plug also. About 45 minutes ago I started to have contractions (it's 1.45pm now) and wondered if they were just Braxton Hicks. They didn't hurt as SUCH, just felt very intense and gave me a lot of very uncomfortable pressure in my groin. They gave me a little low back ache and low front ache too, but they only lasted a very short while (30 seconds at best maybe). So I really didn't feel like I could call them contractions.

About 10 minutes later I decided to start timing them using Contraction Master, because I knew if I called anyone they'd want to know how far apart they were and how long they were lasting. So, straight away they were 4 minutes apart - I was surprised they were so regular! They lasted between 30 and 40 seconds, but by the time I'd had 3 or 4 on the timer, they were starting to hurt. At first they just were hurting like an addition to the pressure in my groin, so that it started to feel like a sharp pain up there too.

Ooh midwife is here, go to go!

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