Wednesday, February 16, 2011

8 weeks old and time to close, but uhhhmmm....

Samuel is 8 weeks old!!! He had his 6-8 week check last week (flying colours! :) ) and so I should have updated by now and (sadly!) said goodbye to this blog for a while, but I just haven't got round to it yet. Proper entry coming, because I DO want to do that properly. And I still haven't written his birth story, aaargh! So want to get that done soon as well.

My lochia has FINALLY stopped, woohoo! It faded off to nothing about 10 days ago, and I noticed normal CM starting right off the bat. Then 5 (ish) days ago I noticed EWCM. And again the next day. And the next day (but not so much). Also I noticed that my man looked particularly attractive during those three days, hehehe! ;) I did think, "Hmmm..." and wondered if I should chart those things, but that seemed RIDICULOUS since I was only just 7 weeks postpartum and was only days off finishing my bleeding from giving BIRTH! And not to mention the two newborns I'm breastfeeding - that's the ACTUAL newborn, and the 19-month-old who is nursing like another one! ;) Not at night, but he easily nurses as often and long as Samuel during the day. So I didn't chart it.

Wish I had! I have been crampy for a week now (started with the EWCM) and increasingly bloated over the past week. Today I wondered if my lochia was somehow starting up a touch again, and then tonight when I went to the loo and wiped there was red blood! Periods ALREADY?!?!?!?! I thought last time was a record for me at just under 3 months postpartum, as I was between 5.5 months and 6.75 months postpartum with all the others. But 8 weeks to the day?!?! Whaaaaaat?!!

I am now feeling that yucky achy hot crampy feeling, so I'm fairly sure I'm starting a period. Which I can. not. believe. So unusual for me, this early! And with what looks like ovulation as well!

I will update again properly soon, but I just wanted to note this evening's "news" here first. I am going to start charting to keep track of things, as always. It's just totally surreal to be doing so 8 weeks after giving birth! :S

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Smiley Samuel at 6 weeks old :)

Sweet Samuel at six weeks:

Cooing at me in his sweet soft husky little voice (SO like Matthew's voice, just not quiiite as husky):

Smiles for Mummy! :)

Samuel has an inquisitive big brother! ;) Poor baby!

Good thing he's an easy-going boy! :)

Samuel's 6-8 week check is this Tuesday coming at 7 weeks old exactly, and I need to update more than just this photo update BEFORE then because there's tons to write about him before I need to close this blog down at the usual time! But I am not altogether well at the moment (nausea that won't subside and just feeling weak and exhausted, for days now :( ) and so I don't feel up to writing a long blog entry. Hopefully I'll be up to that tomorrow or the next day! Just couldn't resist posting these recent photos of my sweetest little manny manoo! Love this baby boy SOOOO much! :)