Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Benjamin's Ultrasound Gallery!

My ultrasound scan pictures during my fourth pregnancy.

This is Babydot at 6 weeks and 3 days. Babydot is the little grey blobby peanut at the bottom of the black gestational sac, and the yolk sac is the little grey blobby thing above Babydot in there. Babydot measured right on for dates, and I saw the heart beating so clearly! You can just make out a tiny white-ish dot in the middle of Babydot, which is part of the heart in mid-pulsate :)

Here is sweet Babydot at 12 weeks and 5 days, at the nuchal scan! We got such a clear picture, I'm so pleased! It's the first time we've got a really clear view of the "angle of the dangle" with the genital nub there (it's the little bright white protrusion alongside Babydot's leg, sticking up!). It's an absolutely 100% totally classic BOY nub, seriously. Girl nubs are angled at less than 30 degrees from the spine, and most will lie actually parallel to the spine! Babydot is a BOY, but we'll wait for the big scan to be totally sure! ;) "He" was the most incredibly laid-back little baby person in there - see how he's using the placenta as a pillow?!

These two scan pictures are from the 20 week scan, where we found out for sure that Babydot is indeed a boy! :) We don't have a name for him yet though, unlike other pregnancies at this stage! He was laid-back still, but pretty wiggly. He had his little hand up for these pictures, and with the weird angle of the picture, you can see his little boy bits sticking out of his pelvis in the picture where his hand is clearly visible by his forehead! He has Nathan's sticky-outy top lip. I am completely besotted and can't wait to meet him!

Benjamin's Belly Gallery!

My belly pictures for my fourth pregnancy, Benjamin, who was born on July 9th 2009.

I missed my usual 5 week belly picture this time. We travelled to France that day and then I started bleeding, so never caught up with it, unfortunately!

10 weeks pregnant

15 weeks pregnant (missed 14, sadly!)

16 weeks pregnant (on track at last, hoorah!)

20 weeks pregnant

22 weeks pregnant

24 weeks pregnant

26 (and a half!) weeks pregnant

28 weeks pregnant

30 weeks pregnant

32 weeks pregnant

I missed 34 weeks!! :(

36 weeks pregnant

39 weeks pregnant (I missed 38 weeks)

40 weeks pregnant - taken on my due date! This was taken last thing before bed, and Benjamin was born the very next day! It's so surreal to think that he was in my arms less than 24 hours after taking this photo - I had no signs of labour starting at all!