Monday, October 5, 2009

Nearly 3 months postpartum!

Well, I know I JUST closed this diary like 6 weeks ago or something! ;) And then over the last maybe couple of weeks I have been having some "cycle-ish" signs that I don't think I'm used to having this early. I have had a lot of EWCM on and off, and have also felt a bit crampy on and off too, but then I DID read after I had Arthur that it's common for breastfeeding mothers to have EWCM here and there due to high oestrogen levels (despite not having that experience myself. I think!).

Anyway so I had some a few days ago for a few days running, and also about a week before that for a few days running. Not just maaayyybe EWCM, but definitely EWCM. And then today I noticed some more. When I went to the toilet after Neil got home from work tonight (pretty much my best opportunity to pee all day long, haha!), I noticed brown spotting which REALLY caught my attention since it's so early after having Benjamin and I have never had any spotting or much (if any) EWCM before about 5 months postpartum before. So I put a pantliner on and did the bedtime routine with the boys, and then was desperate to check my pad - it has just been playing on my mind, because I'm thinking, "Surely not?! Periods returning less than THREE months postpartum when I'm exclusively breastfeeding?!" especially with my pretty predictable history of starting my period at 5 or 6 months postpartum all the other times, with ovulation occuring first (EWCM being one of the signs).

So, I finished putting the boys to bed and kept wondering if I felt a bit crampy, and I checked my pad, and lo and behold - pink/red! Not very much, but I do wonder if I might have started my periods again already?! Which is surely CRAAAAAZY!! Benjamin is a big boy and feeds hungrily. My milk supply is plentiful and I leak like crazy. He is the first baby since Arthur not to use a pacifier/dummy at all. He feeds on demand around the clock and nurses several times during the night. He's not even 3 months old yet!!! What in the wide world is my body thinking?!?!?! I am crampier than I was 20 minutes ago, so I am guessing it's the real thing. I'm not disappointed - it's actually quite exciting to see signs of re-appearing fertility again, but I admit it has caught me a little (read: TOTALLY) off-guard! I am never fertile enough to conceive for a good 4 cycles usually, as my luteal phase is too short (quite aside from the non-return of postpartum parsnips as yet! ;) ) - well maybe I shouldn't say NEVER any more??! I *tend not to be* fertile enough to conceive until my luteal phase gradually lengthens. I intended to chart the EWCM but never found time to do it - how I wish I had done so now!!! Tsk! So I have no idea what kind of a luteal phase I've just had (if any, and if this is indeed a period). Maybe it's just breakthrough bleeding like sometimes happens when breastfeeding, early on? Except that's typical at around 6 weeks postpartum, not 13... Hmmm.

Anyway, this was the obvious place to come to express these kind of rather personal ramblings! I feel a bit stunned and surprised really! I guess I should go and see if I have any sort of sanitary protection and try to find my hot water bottle?!?! This is rather surreal - so much sooner than I expected it.

Benjamin is waking so I have to dash. All is well with the boy though! He's delicious! :)

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