Well, I know it's been a while (thanks for the reminder Melanie!), but I felt a bit uneligible to post here, since I'm not pregnant or trying to become so! ;) But I wanted to come and write a quick (possibly, you know me, haha!) update since it has been a few months. I think it was October when I updated last time, to say that I had my first postpartum period just under 3 months after having Benjamin!!!
I am now waiting for my 3rd period. The cycle that followed my first period was typical and uneventful for the way things go with me after having a baby (as I have learnt by now!). I had a normal 30 day cycle, but didn't ovulate till CD26 and thus had only a 4 day luteal phase again, which is perfectly normal for me at this stage after having a baby. I have wondered if my luteal phase my stay incredibly short for longer this time, since my periods have started back earlier than the other times? Or if they'll lengthen at the same time span as the other times, and so be fully back to normal (fertile) sooner than the other times? Who knows.
BUT, this cycle is weird! The weirdest cycle I think I have ever had! I am not bothered about it, just keeping an eye, and charting here and there to keep track. I am not temping at all because there's no real need. Just noting CM when it seems "of note" and any crampy or particularly headachy days, especially if I feel a bit hormonal or something with it. I have had EWCM but just a bit here and there, and clearly it hasn't led to ovulation. This has happened before, but not so drawn out as this. I am now on Cycle Day FORTY NINE!!! I know lots of women have gone way past that as a norm for them, but for me this is waaaaay outside of the norm, and I have never had a cycle this long, let alone not ovulated yet! Perhaps this cycle will be my first ever anovulatory cycle? Or maybe my body is trying (hence the signs here and there along the way) but not getting around to ovulating yet?
Another totally weird thing is that last week I had spotting - seriously! Again, I know spotting is perfectly normal for plenty of women mid-cycle, but not for me. The only spotting I have ever had is implantation spotting (or right after a smear test), when pregnant, so this is very odd to me! I had it with a lot of EWCM so I wondered if maybe I was ovulating, but I don't know if I really did. I had no cramping of any sort around that time, and I usually cramp with ovulation. Other times during my cycle I have had EWCM and cramping, but nothing came of that. I'm sure one way or another I will eventually get a period, so I'm not concerned about it, it's just weird to think I still haven't had my period after like 50 days! Crazy strange for me! If I DID ovulate with the last EWCM (with the spotting) then I am maybe 6DPO and I wouldn't expect my luteal phase to last any longer than that, so perhaps I will get my period for Christmas or something? Who knows! :)
I AM feeling a bit crampy this evening, and I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with life, like I can't keep on top of things and I'm more down on myself than usual, which I notice easily because it's so unusual for me to feel that way about myself.
Once in a cycle after Nathan, I didn't ovulate till CD thirty-something, as I had the same delayed ovulation thing then too, but this is really really late of me!
Anyway that is the update on my cycles and such! Still not really thinking at all about another baby because it seems so detached from now, you know? My cycles aren't fertile as far as I know, and Neil and I are not getting quality time, so to speak! ;) I'm just enjoying (soooo very much!) my current gorgeous squidgely happy baby boy, marvelling that he's five months old already, and busy busy with my other lovely children. I eagerly LONG for more babies in the future, and my heart turns towards international adoption too. I am excited to see what God will bring! Many times I feel sure He won't bless us again because we SURELY are not being good stewards with the blessings He has already given us, and that is important if God is going to allow us to receive more, I think. We do need a bigger home, but I don't concern myself with that as much because it's materialistic and really doesn't matter a whole lot. It would be MUCH better for us all if we had more space, but it isn't a reason for us to prevent sweet baby blessings that God may have in store for us. God is our provider, and we trust in Him. If he blesses us with more children, we fully believe that He will provide for our needs as we carry out His will in that! :)
I am thinking ahead to more children occasionally, just the odd day-dream, nothing concrete! ;) Only because I love the thought so much, and I hope so much that we have more children in our future. Our current children are actually eager for more siblings, at least Arthur is certainly eager, and Matthew and Nathan ADORE Benjamin (no jealousy issues at all since his birth with any of the boys) and seem very open to us having more. I don't think we've given them cause to believe that families PREVENT God opening the mummy's womb again and again according to His perfect will, though. That's what we tell them, and that's what they believe and accept happily. Arthur still asks when we'll have another! ;)
I can't help but think that if we DO have another baby, it will be another boy, haha! ;) I know I had this twin-girl feeling, well, more than a feeling, when I was praying when Nathey was a newborn and God told me that the next baby would be Benjamin. I don't know whether to trust it, in case it was my own head! Twin girls seems awfully unlikely unless it actually IS God making it happen! ;) I am getting comfortable with the idea of having 5 little boys close in age. I so hope we can have five close in age! I don't know what we'd call him, but we almost used Noah last time so perhaps that, although sometimes Neil wasn't too keen. We also liked Micah.
I'm scared to have twins but also weirdly hopeful that we will one day! I have been praying about it since Nathan was tiny, and it has never left my mind. It's probably a bad idea to be thinking about it over a long time like it could happen, because I don't want to be going down a wrong path in my thoughts or anything. But the thought won't disappear over all this time - nearly 2 years now. I have gone from feeling too scared to ever want to have twins, to looking forward with hope (and fear, lol!) to the day God may bless us that way. I have even actually - dare I admit this?! - started to PRAY that God will bless us with twins, though I am really scared of potential complications, difficult pregnancy and the type of birth that may result, and then HOW in the wide world would I care for newborn breastfeeding twins and four small boys?!?! We would (OBVIOUSLY!) be in a different, bigger, house. But still, it scares me! But ohhh how blessed we would be! What favour God would have shown us to allow not one but two precious babies to grow and flourish inside me! Incredible blessing. Sometimes phrases pop into my head randomly like, "My twins..." or "the twins", or even, "the GIRLS" without me intending them to be there. They surprise me! I squash them down quickly, feeling slightly embarrassed lest some nearby mind-reader hears my probably-daft thoughts! ;) I don't see myself being disappointed if we never have twins, or never have girls, because I am overjoyed to be a) mother of many, and b) mother of boys. It's so wonderful! I couldn't possibly complain or want a different "set" of children! I just want to have more BABIES, and will happily let God choose their gender.
You know I will be MADLY ECSTATIC if He chooses a girl (or two) though, don't you?! ;)
I know the names I would personally use for girly twins, but they're just my names, and Neil will quite likely not want to use them, going by our history, hehe! I may put my foot down somewhat over one of those names in particular though :) Neither of the names are Georgia, strangely enough! After all I have said since trying to conceive Arthur, about that being my favourite name EVER for a girl! ;)
Okay it's late, and I've updated and must go to bed. Oh but Benjamin is doing wonderfully. He had plagiocephaly (flat head) and a twist down his neck and spine into his pelvis (when we saw a children's osteopath), and he had one treatment and was then prayed for and HEALED by God! Yayness! So he is fine now. He rolls both ways, back to front, front to back, and started sitting (non-tripod!) unsupported tonight, for 2 minutes straight! He had done 10 seconds or so during the last week, but tonight he just took off, so to speak! He's desperate to play with his brothers and loves all their vehicles to watch, handle and mouthe! ;) He is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous, and I could kiss him all day long if I didn't have a lot of other things to do as well, haha! ;)
His eyes are still greyish (not blue, but not clear or slate grey either - non-descript really) and I am sort of waiting for them to turn hazel or brown but nothing so far. Arthur's eyes were fully grey until 4.5 months old when they gradually went brown in splotches over a short period of time. We'll see! His hair is growing in well and fast, the fastest of all my boys so far. It is the same brown as Arthur and Nathan's hair. I don't know what he weighs as I haven't had him weighed in months, but he is hefty! He looks so big and chunky and I'm sure he's still up near the 90th percentile like he was before. That might make him around the 18lb mark? He is starting to outgrow 6-9 month clothes and size 3 Tesco nappies. He breastfeeds on demand night and day, and still wakes once during the evening and then 2-3 hourly at night still. That's okay. I am tired! But it's okay :) He sleeps in his Amby hammock (yes I did see the recall in the States - no news of anything here but I'm somewhat concerned about it!) for naps and at bedtime, and I put him back in it for all his evening/night wakings if I have stayed awake to do so! Otherwise we both go to sleep while he's breastfeeding in my bed, and he always wakes up next to me with a big smile (which is PRICELESS!!) and I adore this arrangement! :) He wears baby sleeping bags (grobags) in the Amby.
Benjamin is longing to eat food! Hehe! He munches his chops, reaches out and stares at my food on its way to my mouth, and so on. He is as ready as can be, but I will not give him anything till he is six months on the dot - that is my way, as most of my readers will already know. I do not believe a baby's digestive tract is mature enough to deal with solids until the age of six months. If they're five months and 3 weeks and 4 days, they're not six months old yet! ;) He is not lacking. While he is incredibly eager and longing, he is not in need of anything other than breastmilk yet. He may WANT that food, but he doesn't need it yet. He is well satisfied when he nurses and won't take a second side usually because he's full. He is huge and chunky (the rolls people, the ROLLS!!!) and happy. He will be super thrilled when I finally hand him a half-peeled banana on January 9th, but he can watch and learn for now! :) I am actually feeling a little sad about the fact that he'll only be exclusively breastfed for a few more weeks! I can't believe how fast it has gone by, and now it's almost GONE, that stage! :( It's definitely the fastest out of all my babies so far. But I am excited that in only a month or two, he will have made some drastic changes - eating with us, crawling, and sitting to play all the time with his brothers! How exciting that will be to behold! :)
Okay I MUST go to bed! And much of that was supposed to be part of a Benjamin update at my main blog with photos, but oh well! I will probably repeat myself a bit when I get around that update, but I'm glad to have it here for prosperity all the same!
I WILL (will will will will...) finish writing Benjamin's birth story soon and post it here the instant I have finished. I have written early labour so far, and I have notes for the rest of it so hopefully it won't be too hard to piece together and write! I am excited to write it, because it was a wonderful positive experience (that I can't WAIT to share with you all at last!), but I just never seem to have the time. Soon! :)
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