Well, I should be in bed right now, though it's still "early" for me yet. Last week I was just so tired and hormonal, I took myself to bed three nights running at 9.30 or 10pm. I wanted to get a grip on things, as the days are just nauseated and basically full of SLUMP, getting nothing achieved except snapping at my children way too much. So I decided to go to bed early, set my alarm to get me up earlier than the boys (5.30am, ouch!) - something I've wanted to do for a LONG time now, but it's against my very nature, being a night owl and all! I really feel like this is about the only way I'm going to ever get a grip on my days, to be up BEFORE they start, you know? I need time to focus on God FIRST, before anyone else, and before anything else happens in the day. Then I start it on the right foot. And I get a head-start on the day physically and mentally. AND I get to finally bless my husband back - he's a total morning person and gets up with the boys at crazy o'clock every. single. morning, including weekends and holidays. I know. He is amaaaazing! :) I have too much of a tendency to be lazy and it's time I denied my flesh it's craving and got TO IT with the task I've been called to. *sigh* Anyway, that was my goal.
So I set my alarm and went to bed at 9.30pm the first night. Sleep finally occurred somewhere shortly before ONE AM. Ugh. Abandoned the alarm clock once it got later than 11pm (it would be bad baaaad news for the whole household if I went trying to get up at 5.30 when I just had not had nearly enough sleep. Baaaaad.) and tried again the following night (9.45pm). Sleep occurred a while after midnight. Boo! So frustrating lying there awake and getting nothing out of it! But I guess I was resting, although I could have been doing similar downstairs on the sofa as I usually do! Oh well. I tried again the following night at 10pm, and didn't get to sleep until midnight or just after. Midnight to 1am is the usual time for me to go to bed/sleep, so maybe it's just ingrained and I need to give it a while to adjust to the new bedtime? Or maybe not make a huge jump of several hours all at once? I don't know. I ended up not doing the early night thing again since then (4 nights now) because I was fed up lying awake all those "wasted" hours with so much to get done. My brain isn't particularly whirring in bed, I just lie there tired but not asleep!
One thing I did notice, which may be a big coincidence, since it's never made a difference in the past, was that my morning sickness was waaaaaaaaay better the days I was having early nights, even though I wasn't sleeping till late. As in, I thought it was all but gone, eventually! I had no nausea at all one day, just a vague bleurghy feeling by the evening which I couldn't even describe as queasiness. I cooked spaghetti bolognese from scratch that day, such was my optimism, with onions! Not been able to do that in a long while! :) I felt yucky while I was chopping the onions and thought it was a BIG mistake, but then it was fine, and I didn't mind the cooking smell OR eating it for dinner! :) I ate a huge portion and really enjoyed it!
I have since become gradually more nauseated again (so I do wonder about it being a coincidence with the early nights - I have had times in my pregnancies where things have improved for a few days and then come back), and feel REALLY sick today and yesterday. Yesterday we had the frozen portion of the spaghetti bolognese (same batch of sauce) and the smell even when it was frozen was awful to me, onion-wise. I could eat it and enjoy it though, but the plates made me feel horrible to clean up later. Nothing is really helping the nausea much at the moment, back to where it was before really. I am more interested in sweet foods, but they are making my IBS flare up horribly if I eat too much of them, and then I feel doubly nauseated the next day. I think part (maybe even a LARGE part) of my bad nausea lately is actually IBS. My whole abdomen is soooo bloated and yucky. I usually find it nauseating when this happens (not pregnant), and there's even more pressure in there with my womb popping up recently. Maybe that bothers my IBS as things adjust, come to think of it? Suddenly it seems a bit familiar from other pregnancies at about womb-popping-up time....
Anyway, so bleurgh. And zzzz, I'm so tired this week! And so USELESS during the day times. We are not getting school done this week at all, and the house is in a horrible state :( Yesterday I got the boys dressed but I didn't manage the same feat. Today I didn't even get that far - I am still in the pyjamas I put on LAST night after my bath! The boys also stayed in PJs and at bedtime I just put them in fresh ones. I find it so hard to feel good about myself when I am being so very slack, reason or not. They watched too many DVDs today, and otherwise played and read and built a ton of Duplo and jigsaws, and that's it really. I pottered around trying to get something DONE but somehow never actually achieving it (although I did clean out the veg compartment in the fridge and scrubbed it out in the sink! Big achievement lately, lol!), and otherwise got Samuel's naps done, nappies changed, and meals made. And lay on the floor mainly tandem nursing, all the other parts of the day (they see me lying on the floor, they toddle/crawl over and smile at me hopefully, and who am I to resist such charm?! Hehe! Happens every single time I lay down!). So I am going to bed after I post this.
All foods taste somewhat bitter a few minutes after I eat them, especially carbs, and especially bread and crackers and such like. Sweet starchy carbs too. I adore Jelly Babies right now, the taste is sublime, like I have never tasted anything so wonderful in all my life, lol! They mess with my stomach though, unfortunately, and make me feel gassy and yucky the next day (hmmm, do I see a pattern emerging?! ;) ). I am having to avoid toast and sandwiches where possible, though I do still eat them. I just know to expect the inevitable bitter taste and watery mouth afterwards, and thus nausea setting in sooner than it would otherwise after eating something.
I am definitely showing now. Starting to TRY to wear maternity jeans but it isn't really working yet! ;) I have a loose pair of normal jeans in size 14 that I had grown out of when I lost weight before this little one, and they're kind of loose still but my tummy fills them out better than maternity jeans. I also wear one pair of my smaller size jeans that fit me well on legs and bum, but which gape ridiculously at the fly - I can't even do the bottom of it up! I only wear those under a LONG top on a day when I'm sure to be at home all day and not expecting any visitors! ;) I used a hairband to loop through the button hole and around the button on the other side of the fly, and that holds them together a bit to be the right fit across my tummy, without them digging in or falling down. Can't wait until I have a bit more bump so I can fit some clothes properly! I love my new little bumpy bit and, as always, keep finding myself smiling down at it fondly and laying my hand on it :) I'm so excited to be having a BABY!!!
I have (of course, who was I kidding?!) been slightly obsessing over the scan pictures, as apparently I can't help myself, lol! I have to say, I felt no need to at all for the first 5 days after the scan, and then started to wonder about juuuust looking about at other baby nubs out there on people's scan pictures, and of course it became rather addictive! I thought there was no nub visible whatsoever on my scan pictures of Sausage, but after obsessing for a couple of days I now think I DO see a nub on two of the three, just verrrry possibly. Even when I point out what I'm seeing, nobody sees it (so I'm probably being craaaazy), but I've red-ringed the thing I'm seeing in two of Sausage's scan pics. I am seeing a line that is forked at the end, which I have seen a lot on nub shots, so I'm thinking that could be the nub. Hard to tell, but I still think it might be:
And the other one:
I think it's flatter and lower than I remember it being in the scan, although not completely flat. It looks more girly to me here, if it's the nub I'm looking at, although not DEFINITELY girly, since there is still a little angling. I'm sure there was some angling as the baby moved about during the scan though, so I am still going with boy.
While I was reading forums and so on about ultrasound gender prediction, I learned about a theory I hadn't heard before - anyone heard of the Ramzi method, EARLY in pregnancy? Here's what someone described it as, at a forum where somebody asked:
"Basically this MD noticed that if the baby's placenta was on the right side, it was 97% a male. If it was on the left, it was 97.5% a girl. All these ultrasound's were done at 6 weeks. The MD said this theory doesnt hold true if it is done later in the pregnancy as the placenta can move."
I was intrigued, so I checked out my scan pictures that I have for my little ones who had early scans between 6 and 8 weeks. Arthur's placenta was on the RIGHT side of him (he was on the left of it, though it was mainly across the bottom) at 7 weeks (boy). I didn't get a scan pic for Matthew at 8 weeks, unfortunately, and I don't remember what I saw on the screen. Nathey was also on the left and the placenta on the right (boy), at his scan at 8 weeks. Benjamin's 6 week placenta is hard to make out, BUT he's squished right up against the LEFT side with his yolk sac, and the border of the right side of the gestational sac looks placenta-ish to me (boy, again!). Samuel is the only baby I didn't get an early scan with, due to no bleeding.
I did not get a picture of Sausage at the 6 week scan, but I remember the baby was squashed up between the yolk sac and the placenta, clear as day, because we took AGES looking at that image zoomed in and out and from all angles, in case there was a baby behind Sausage! And the placenta was completely on the LEFT side, with Sausage to the right, and the yolk sac to the right of Sausage. That's different to the others, and also girly according to the Ramzi method. I did get a picture of Sausage at the 8 week scan. Placenta is mostly over the top of the baby, but slightly to the left. Sausage looks pretty much smack dab in the middle of the gestational sac, but still slightly to the right of the placenta since it's slightly to the left.
Oh the obsessing, haha! ;)
Anyway, so Ramzi would say I'm having a girl this time, and as far as I can tell, proves accurate for the 4 boys I had early scans with as well. Hmmm...
Must stop obsessing, it's a crazy crazy thing to do! Especially as it doesn't matter a JOT whether it's a boy or a girl, lol! I'm just too impatient for my own good. January will roll around soon enough, especially with all the busy-ness in between with Christmas and birthdays, etc.
Okay I really must go to bed now. I am going to try drinking some milk first because I feel sick and am starting to feel heartburny. Hopefully it's mild enough to fix with a glass of milk!
Thank you for all the lovely comments on my scan update post, and the ones on the belly gallery too! I am already due to take another belly pic for 14 weeks, TOMORROW! :D Hopefully not long before the morning sickness is history, and I'll start blooming soon and feel marvellous, haha!