Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Just to quickly say THANK YOU so much for the supportive, loving comments. You guys uplift me so much, I can't tell you! :) I love you!

Also, I did ovulate! :) I'm currently 4DPO, although for some reason it feels like much longer since I ovulated. My temps did a slow-ish climb and FF put my ovulation at the day after the parsnips, even though I continued have EWCM for a few more days. I had to chart EWCM because it had certain.... characteristics (!) that only EWCM does, even though I was pretty sure it wasn't particularly fertile CM. It was like, instead of going away the day after I ovulate, it was having a more gradual disappearance!

Anyway! Moving on from the TMI! ;)

I'm only 4DPO but I feel... odd, further on, somehow. At what I now know to be 2DPO (before the chart had shown my ovulation having occurred yet), I had some weird sensations above and behind my pubic bone, like crampiness. It continued into yesterday morning - when I went to climb over the stair gate (long story!), there was a discomfort just above my pubic bone that felt for all the world like a mini ligament pain. If I was 8DPO I would most definitely be taking that as a pregnancy sign, but at TWO DPO?! Way too early.

Yesterday, at 3DPO, I had such an unhappy day. I just felt like crying all day long, and couldn't cope with the general running of the day/children/house. I had so little energy, emotionally as well as physically. I am going to chart "weepy" when I update my chart in a minute. That, again, is sometimes a pregnancy sign in my luteal phase, but in past pregnancies it has occurred at 4-5DPO instead. 3DPO is really tooooo early. Anyway, noted.

Yesterday I had a little dip in temp, almost low enough to be a pre-ovulatory temp, and I wondered if I would even get my coverline on my chart for ovulation because it had gone back down. But I did anyway, and then today - TODAY! - my temp shot up like craaaaazy!!! I'll have to see whether it drops back a bit tomorrow, but 36.75 is a high temp for me at just 4DPO - higher than usual, I think. My chart isn't very pretty this cycle, lol! It's a bit spikey!

This morning I don't feel weepy (so far) but I DO have what feels to me like bad cramps, low down. It feels like mild period pain, and goes through my back. Again, this would all be making me think pregnancy, except for how EARLY it is. So I will just have to watch and wait. Charting bad cramps today because of the pain I'm in at the moment, which, as you might know, I have only ever had to chart during my luteal phase when I am actually pregnant. With Elijah I had it (I always do when pregnant) and then apparently got my period, so for the first time I felt like I had been wrong about the bad cramps meaning pregnancy. Then lo and behold, a positive test a couple of weeks later! ;) So I would be saying, "Woohoooo, bad cramps! I know what that means!" but it's surely too early?! Unless I ovulated a day earlier than the chart says? I had ovulation pain at bedtime the day of the parsnips, but then I had some ovulation pain the next morning too, and my temp was still low enough to be a pre-ovulatory temp, so....

All my implantations have happened between 4 and 7DPO - ALL of them, even the 9 chemical pregnancies, as far as I know. So I am now in the right window for that, but yesterday? Implantation would explain the big temp jump today, but I will have to just see what my temps do for the next couple of days to be sure it isn't just a freaky temp or something.

Anyway, that is the update! :) Back soon!

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