Friday, December 16, 2011

17 weeks - it's a....!! And quick scan update!

Oh I'm so sorry not to update all these days since my scan! I forgot that some readers are not Facebook friends so will not have known what went on! We have been poorly with Neil's lurgy since then. I have basically been in bed with it for the most part, and was really not well on the day of the scan. Neil finally went back to work for a half day as he's still so exhausted from the virus, and I'm still not there yet. All the boys have it - Arthur started the same day as me (Monday), and all the others started Monday night, except Benjamin who was more like Tuesday night. Anyway, they're all okay, just coughing and snotty and tired out. Ugh! At least it seems to be moving quickly enough, so hopefully we'll be 100% fine before Christmas.

I can't stay to update properly, but I just wanted to say that everything is FINE with my little one. All the measurements were spot on 16w5d for head and leg measurements, and 17w0d for abdomen (I was 16 weeks and 6 days at the scan, so pretty much perfect measurements) - SUCH a huge relief! The sonographer could not tell why I was measuring small but she just said maybe I'm hiding it well?! ;) The baby had a healthy amount of amniotic fluid in there, etc, so all looked fine.

We did find out that the baby is a BOY!!! :D I had zero bad feelings, and just felt so happy and excited. I have much more to write about the details of the scan and I have a few photos of measurements (not particularly exciting ones of his face or anything) that I want to include here, but I haven't been well enough to sort out scanning and uploading and so on, yet. So I will come back and do a proper catch up another time.

So our baby boy is Elijah Douglas! The boys are really thrilled to be getting another brother, and seemed quite relieved, lol! We are not telling them his name for a while because we like to keep the name a secret until the birth announcement, and I think they'll tell friends of ours in the meantime, when we see them. I am beyond excited to be using this lovely name, and delighted to honour Grandoug at last! :) I can't believe I have SIX sons, and my Elijah after alllll these years loving the name! :)

He is kicking a lot more now, and I'm feeling the kicks and movements more clearly.

The one thing is that I have currently got complete placenta previa, where the placenta completely covers the cervix (and thus the baby's way out). I'm only 17 weeks though, so it has plenty of time to move up out of the way. I am hoping and praying that it will even have done so by 21 weeks (my next scan) because otherwise they'll book me a scan at 32 weeks to check on it, and that's a LONG wait to worry about it (and the risk of heavy bleeding) and have the various restrictions imposed, etc. It may well resolve long before 32 weeks so I don't want to have to wait that long to find out it has, if you see what I mean?! Anyway, for now I am being careful. And hoping it's moving up!

Will update again soon!

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