Saturday, February 27, 2010

6DPO update

Just another quick update (hopefully, haha!) at 6DPO. My temperature went up to 36.7 today! :) I have no idea what to expect for tomorrow, as I don't know what my luteal phase is going to do after last cycle.

My period arrived last cycle at only 8DPO (with a temp drop that morning), so I am sort of just holding my breath at the moment and never expecting anything too much when I take my temperature each morning. I think I will be disappointed to see it drop down tomorrow, the next day, or the day after, because I do so want to see my luteal phase lengthening back towards normal.

I have more CM today than the other days since ovulating. Just normal, but more of it. I also have had a headache on and off all day, and I'm so so so tired out. My skin feels funny on my bones, like it's too tired to hang on properly! ;) BUT, I did go into town for a HAIRCUT (*fanfare*) which I do every 4 months. When I do that, it is my one and only opportunity that I get to be out without the little ones, and to actually go shopping! I really enjoy it, but I don't begrudge not getting to do it the rest of the year, any more. I'm satisfied with what I do at home, which is nice! :) I only stay out for a maximum of 3 hours because of Benjamin's feeds. I feed him right before I go and then as soon as I get in. Anyway, I did a lot of walking round the shops today and am (shamefully!) not used to the exercise!! How embarrassing! :S I have decided I need to do regular exercise as a discipline, because I need to be in better shape for pregnancy and birth, especially the more babies I've had and the more babies I am looking after each day! ;) It's wrong of me not to. So I will look into that.

Anyway so I a really tired out and it might have a lot to do with the walking today, OR, combined with a headache and more CM... maybe my period could be about to show tomorrow? I don't know...

I have noticed quite a lot of crampiness today, starting from first thing in the morning when breastfeeding (as in the latter part of yesterday). It has been mildly bothersome on and off throughout the day, and I have had a lot of lower backache too. I woke up with low low backache actually, so I am not sure if the general backache is just down to some weirdness with my pelvis being annoyed after sleeping funny or something?! It's really quite sore, but all down in the bones at the back, across the back - sort of in the small of my back and a little lower, right across. So if it's just that my back is bothered about something, perhaps that accounts for some of the general front-wise crampiness too?

Whilst driving into town I became aware of a strange crampy feeling on one side - on my right side, about an inch or so in from my hip and maybe and inch or two up from my pubic bone. It's sort of like a "pressing" sensation that hurts, I can't really describe it very well. It bothered me again once I was out of the car and walking to the hairdressers, and for a moment I worried that it was my appendix getting ready to cause me trouble or something! I'm on heightened paranoia lately since my brother had a narrow escape with a gangrenous appendix last month! :S Anyway then I didn't really notice it again till a bit later, and then it went away again for a bit. This evening it has been noticable on and off. I do have a bit of IBS at the moment, but I don't get discomfort from that down on the right side. Since mid-afternoon I have become bothersomely crampy right in the pit of my abdomen, almost lower than my pubic bone, and totally central. It's really uncomfortable and actually makes me wonder if perhaps I DO have a bladder infection starting? I am not peeing frequently at all today though, unlike yesterday. I don't have any other symptoms but I'll keep my eye on that.

I have had so few cycles since Arthur was conceived, and many of those few have been pregnancy cycles - either for the actual babies I've gone on to birth, or pregnancies that didn't stick due to my short luteal phase. So I'm starting to forget what a non-pregnant luteal phase feels like enough to compare it effectively. I feel like I'm saying a bunch of silly stuff often, when I'm writing here during my luteal phase. It could all SO easily be the normal stuff I might get before my period arrives, but I don't know what that norm should be any more. I begin to know more what my norm is during a pregnant luteal phase, and then I get to presuming symptoms are pregnancy ones because they are "normal" for me! Which is crazy back-to-front, surely?!?! ;) And not accurate at all! So I guess I will just report all symptoms, have neutral expectations, and see what happens.

Random things to report, then:

I feel really flushed today. I have the usual hot feeling in my eyes and sort of under my skin (hard to explain!) which I am now familiar with pretty much as soon as I've ovulated through my luteal phase. But I have also had a painfully hot flush in my face today as well, which is unusual. I want to note everything even if we haven't conceived, so I have things to compare for future cycles.

At the boys' bedtime tonight I noticed it is sore to breastfeed, which is rare for me. Matthew still nurses at bedtime (yes, he does) and I actually had to stop him because it got too sore. I can't remember the last time that happened. It's not comfy tonight to breastfeed Benjamin either, but not too bad.

I'm a bit irritable today, but not weepy, and it's not too bad. I'm just mainly tiiiired. Headache has gone now though.

Can't think of anything else, and Benjamin is waking so I have to rush off! More soon!

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