Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well, as the title says really! ;)

I need to get some little boys dressed for the day yet and should NOT be online at all, but for that reason I'll try to be super quick. I just switched it on to enter my temperature this morning and then wanted to write about it for a bit. But I'll copy and paste from my waffly notes at my chart, which will make it much quicker for me! ;)

So today I am 6DPO. Six! I wondered if I would even have a luteal phase this long, and who knows, I really could still get my period at any time, I suppose. I have no idea what to expect.

What I didn't expect was the pattern my temps have taken so far, and also the bunch of symptoms I've got! I had a slow climb for the first three days after ovulating, and then a flat temp the next day. Yesterday (5DPO) I had a dip, and also quite bad cramping and just "full discomfort" as though my period was about to start. I was checking my underwear all afternoon and evening! I had more CM than usual too, but was surprised every time that it wasn't my period. I also am sometimes not sure whether to chart it as EWCM or just the usual, but it really isn't EWCM quality so I am charting just normal CM. I wanted to note there has been a slight change though. I thought that the dip in temperature might be the start of them falling back down to start my period, but today I have a temp rise, and it's the highest one so far this cycle! If I didn't have the short luteal phase thing ringing in my head I would be really thinking I am pregnant. The parsnips were right on time (FF says my chances are "good" with that timing, but then again it has said my chances were not even on the scale of useful two of the times I've actually been pregnant, so I won't worry too much about what it says, hehe!), an implantation dip at 5DPO would be pretty consistent for me, and my temps look good so far.

I also have a bunch of symptoms that I have honestly been trying to either downplay or else find a way to deny the possibility that they could be related to pregnancy, because I simply didn't believe that I could really be pregnant, given that I'm only 6 months postpartum and must surely have a luteal phase that's still too short to support a pregnancy. I have felt fairly confident that CONCEPTION took place, but have been trying my best not to think about that, because I felt certain that implantation and further development was impossible due to the short luteal phase.

I have weirdly had some symptoms since ovulating, which is odd for me whether pregnant or not! And waaaay too early to be pregnancy-related anyway. But I'll note them for reference. Feeling very hot (burny cheeks and eyes) inside, but not ill or feverish. Mildly crampy from a few days past ovulation. Abnormally hungry (for me) since ovulating, also tireder than usual from the same time. My skin has been breaking out a little on my face since I ovulated, which is not my norm at all. I am horribly gassy (sorry!) and have been since about a day or so after ovulating. I put it down to food I ate at first, but it's continuing the same. Yesterday afternoon I was busy with the boys and became vaguely aware of feeling queasy. I didn't think a thing of it, until I was chewing my fingernails and it made me feel really yucky - enough to want to stop doing that right now, and then I just froze mid-chew with the sudden realisation that I only get that feeling with morning sickness. Or other hormone-related queasiness, so after thinking about it I rationalised it as maybe queasiness to do with my period about to start or something. I don't get that, but in my teens I used to get really nauseous on the first day of my period, so it's a possibility. Anyway the dragging mild queasiness continued all afternoon and evening, though I was able (and eager!) to eat as normal. This morning when I woke up it was still there, and is still there now too. Hmmm. I'm REALLY hoping it's a side-effect of being so gassy or something, because if I'm pregnant it's not usual for me to get any morning sickness before almost-6 weeks!! Yikes.

I still feel very full and something in my womb today, as the second half of yesterday, but again that could be due to getting my period soon, couldn't it? I had heartburn last night, I think as a knock-on effect of the queasiness and stuff.

Yesterday I charted one-sided pinching pain because I had some on my left hand side in the afternoon. I actually am not sure if it was, um, wind related, but wanted to chart everything just in case it was useful later on. During the evening (late) I also had some duller discomfort in a similar spot, more like a dull poke rather than a pinching pain. It was an inch up and an inch out from my pubic bone on the left side. I had some strange sensations last night while I was lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, and I was not sure what to make of those. Just a sense of fullness or heaviness, and "awareness" (weird but can't explain any better) in the pit of my abdomen, and I tried to rationalise it as bowel-related, but actually the feeling is too familiar to me as uterus-related. I didn't know why it should feel that way though - it was actually a bit of a strange feeling, like full and uncomfortable but also actually tingly in a weird way. Today's temp now makes me wonder. I had so expected a lower temp this morning!

I started to feel very crampy early in the evening when I breastfed Benjamin. Not as bad as if I HAD my period, but enough to make me think it had started. It was through to my back too, and more bothersome on my left side than my right. The bad cramps have eased off to just fairly continuous mild cramps since though.

So I could still get my period tomorrow, after a temp drop in the morning, and that would give me a 6 day luteal phase, which would be quite expected at this stage postpartum. But we'll see. Must go now, but will check in again soon!

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