QUICK update - must be quick! It's late and I should be sleeping already!
So I went on to have two days (today and yesterday) of higher temps! :) So I DID ovulate after all! They are both the same - 36.5, and when I entered today's temp, Fertility Friend switched my ovulation date from CD17 to CD19 (when I THOUGHT I would more likely have ovulated, ha!). So I'm pleased about that! I just wasn't happy with the previous date, as I just felt I hadn't ovulated then.
Today then, I am 3DPO. My coverline on my chart is quite high, because of the higher-than-usual temps before ovulation occurred, but that doesn't make any difference to anything. It just makes my current temps look lower than usual because they're so low down and close to the line.
I have had spots (the odd few - definitely hormonally influenced, for me) since ovulating, just like last cycle. Nothing else until this afternoon. I KNOW, I'm only 3DPO! But I wanted to make note of cramping whilst breastfeeding for the last two feeds of the day. No discomfort or cramping of any sort since ovulation, and none else today except for when breastfeeding. Not bad cramps, but definitely noticable.
I am having to wee frequently today, and that is just odd and I have no explanation. Even if I was pregnant it would be waaay too early for frequent urination at 3DPO! Even at 5DPO!! So that's odd. I guess I'm wondering about an infection, but I have no symptoms. I had to get up in the early hours to go for a wee, and I haven't had to do that since my last pregnancy. I have not been going all day like a crazy woman or anything, but a definite increased frequency for me anyway. Fluid intake same as always, though I am feeling very thirsty today.
What was the other thing??!! Aaaah! Oh yes! An hour or so ago I was sitting reading blogs when suddenly I had a taste in my mouth of a strong-flavoured food that I could not put my finger on. It made me want some, but I couldn't figure out what the taste was! So weird to have that out of the blue. I KNOW, I KNOW! ;) I'm only 3DPO. But it's "of note" so here it is. I think I have narrowed it down to bean shoots in a tangy sauce, or celeriac in a sort of mayo sauce. I'm pretty sure it's celeriac. Actually celeriac was my only (fairly short-lived) craving with Benjamin, now I think of it! Anyway it felt like a taste I hadn't experienced in a LONG time and I really wanted whatever it was. It was clear as anything in my mouth at that moment. I have had that same thing happen as early as my luteal phase with my other pregnancies (with Matthew it was mushrooms, before it was time to take a pregnancy test, and it was one of the things that made me wonder...). Anyway, strange observation, and CRAZY observation this early, but there it is. Randomness! ;)
I otherwise feel either nothing (physically) or just completely neutral (emotionally) about the possibility of pregnancy this cycle. I know there is a good chance. Fertility Friend says the chance is "good" (not that it matters a jot what they say, as my experience goes, haha!). I can see that the chance is good. Parsnips was 2 days before ovulation, and two of my babies are the result of 4-days-before-ovulation parsnips. Last cycle I feel sure that conception took place and my luteal phase meant that implantation could not complete (though it started). I only had a 7-day luteal phase, so this cycle probably does not have the likelihood of a long enough luteal phase to support any pregnancy that might be starting. I know that God is good and the timing of another baby will be exactly right - the right baby for our family at the right time. I am happy to trust Him and wait. But I guess I don't hold my breath quite so much with excitement knowing that it likely can't continue even if it's really true and it starts. I WANT to be excited at the possibility!!! I sort of am, but then I quickly think about the luteal phase thing. I guess I'm expecting and hoping for an 8 or 9 day luteal phase this cycle, which really isn't long enough, unless I suppose if I were to experience implantation TODAY, but even so I don't know if it would be long enough.
If it WERE and I WAS, I would be due mid-November - six days after Arthur's sixth birthday! I have to say, last cycle when I knew I was pregnant, I saw the predicted due date at FF (Oct 20th) and thought, based on that alone I just didn't see it sticking, because (I know this is crazy!) all of my babies are born within a 5 day window (9th - 14th of the month), and are due from the 5th to the 10th of the month. So looking at the 20th, I just thought, "Nah! Surely not!" ;) But I like that my cycles are drawing back earlier in the month, because this cycle would result in the 15th as a due date!
Well, that's all the random flotsam I have for tonight. Just wanted to update that FF changed my ovulation date today, and that I HAVE ovulated! And have felt a bit crampy (am now, actually) and am peeing weirdly, and oh also I have felt quite irritable today and yesterday. Yesterday I felt kind of hormonally weepy too, so I put the irritability down to that too, although the weepy thing is less today. I have heartburn tonight which I never get, and for no particular diet-related reason either. Otherwise, early days, and nowt to report yet! I could have written just this paragraph, posted all the information I needed to, and saved myself (and you!) a lot of time! ;)
Back soon! Thanks for following along with such enthusiasm! :) xxx
D'oh!!! I just looked at my chart and it seems like I have got my days mixed up or something. Today is FRIDAY, and I have nothing on my chart for Friday yet! This morning's temp I have put in on Thursday, and the days before *I think* are accurate in their order. I forget to update my chart several days running usually (esp. before ovulation) and then come along and put in the last several days worth from memory (not wise, but I do still remember a few days in a row, just then I have no record of accuracy a week later because I have forgotten and only have my chart for reference!). So maybe I started temping (a week-ish before ovulation) and entered the first one WRONGLY on the wrong day, and went from there. D'oh! I can't think what else I will have done, unless I forgot a temp somewhere and so it looks like I'm a day behind. But I can't remember that now, and if I stick another one in there somewhere to keep me at 3DPO then it won't be accurate. If I shift the whole lot of temps one day forward (probably what I should do) then it will put my ovulation down for CD20 instead (parsnips 3 days before).
Okay, NOW I have been back to FF and shifted all the temps forward starting from CD11, so that they now start at CD12. I'm pretty sure that's when I entered the temp on the wrong day. The order of the rest are correct, I'm sure of it now. So, to my surprise, an even BETTER (more accurate, to my gut instinct) ovulation date is up! ;) CD18, the last day of EWCM (also the 2nd day of mild cramping - no further potential ovulation signs the next day), and parsnips the day before. I am now 5DPO according to that one, and the coverline is nice and normal looking again, and the temps look right to me, or better anyway. I'm still not 100% sure about the ovulation date and the post-ovulation temps, but it's all a bit confusing this cycle after all these changes with my chart! Tsk! ;) So there we are. Soooo, maybe cramping and slight weirdnesses today (except the way-too-early weeing) ISN'T so strange after all??...
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