Friday, April 27, 2012

36 week belly pictures

Just a quick post to get my 36 week belly pictures up! I knew I would never remember to get them done once the weekend began, so I grabbed the small point-and-shoot camera to set the timer upstairs, and Arthur saw me and wanted to know what I was doing. When I told him, he was soooo insistent on taking the photos for me, so I let him! :) So these belly pics are not like my usual ones - they're sort of "real life", hehe!

He never let me know when he was about to take a photo, just snapped away! ;) There were lots of MUCH less flattering ones, one of Samuel clinging to my legs pulling my trousers down, and several blurry ones, but these ones are fine and show my bump's shape and size pretty well! :)

That is all! I will be back to update again soon. Arthur's cold is passing off okay, Samuel has just started with a runny nose, and Matthew and Nathan have sore throats (Nathan is quite miserable just now), but Benjamin is cheerfully declaring himself symptom-free so far! Hopefully we'll all get it over and done with quickly and NOT catch anything else close to Elijah's birth...

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