Still here, and have to be super quick!
My temp did not drop! It didn't exactly shoot up, but it's 36.75, a slight rise from yesterday's 36.71 - so still hanging in there. Hmmm....
Well, being 11DPO with my temp still up, weirdly soft skin, and crazy bad cramps, I thought I would use my last test. I was beyond confused when it was a flat out negative. Not even the line I had at 9DPO. Weird. I am not sure what to think or what to expect next. I am cramping so badly, and (I repeat!) I never ever cramp badly at all unless I am pregnant, or my period is in flow (or about to be within usually the next hour). It isn't constant, but early this morning after I woke with Elijah, it was too sore to allow me to fall back to sleep again, which is so completely ONLY going to be a pregnancy symptom. Really odd.
I have wasted too much time and energy on pregnancy ponderings this week, so today's strategy is to ignore it as much as possible, and get on with my day. The one thing left is that the postman might bring my tests, because they usually arrive the next day after I order them, and if he does I will use one of the more sensitive tests that picks up a very tiny amount of the pregnancy hormone, on my first morning urine (which I saved, and which I tested negative with earlier). If THAT is negative, I think it's a closed case. Maybe I *was* pregnant but it didn't implant successfully or something, and so it has faded away. Either way, a negative with a sensitive test at 11DPO means I am waiting for my body to catch up and for my period to start.
I will keep you posted!
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