Oh dear, I didn't realise it had almost been a week since my last post! I have wanted to update much of this week, but it would get too late or I would feel too nauseous or whatever. I could have just done a short post - that's what I should have done! But oh well!
So I have been counting the days off this week. Ohhh to be out of "6 weeks" and into "7 weeks" (which I will also count off with urgency!)! ;) I'm. SO. Nauseous. Allllllll the time. It starts when I wake - well, when I first MOVE in bed, although if I try to cheat it by lying very still for ages, it still creeps in anyway. It's basically here from the start of the day, but gets worse as the day goes on. The afternoons are horrible right now, and the evenings - traditionally my worst time - are about the same as the afternoons. Not necessarily worse. NO food or drink is making any difference to the nausea really. If I don't eat it gets worse quite fast once my tummy is empty, and I know I just have to eat to ride it out, so I do. But I feel sick whilst posting food in my mouth, and whilst chewing it, and whilst swallowing it, and that's just SO UNNATURAL! Seriously! It just isn't right to eat whilst incredibly nauseated!
I am once again eternally thankful that I am not actually vomiting - ugghhh how awful that must be! - but all the same I feel pretty fed up of feeling sick and the way it affects EVERYTHING I do all the time. I can't wait to fast forward to the end of the first trimester when hopefully I'll be feeling a little better, and the days left of morning sickness will be numbered! It seems like forever away right now, but I know it'll pass. Six weeks is pretty much my least favourite week because it feels like I've felt sick forever, and yet I'm still RIIIIGHT at the very beginning of morning sickness. Yeurgh.
So tomorrow is my LAST DAY before I reach 7 weeks pregnant! Yippeeeee!!! :D Another thing that is actually pretty weird for me - no bleeding or spotting! At all! It still could happen, yes, but I think I have always had spotting or bleeding of some sort by now, in all my other pregnancies. I was saying to Meg the other day how it's ironic that it would be the case THIS time, because it means for the first time I don't get an early scan! THIS time the question still hangs over me as to how many babies are in there, so it would have been lovely to get an early peek to find out! ;) If I don't have a reason for an early scan, I will be absolutely 100% sure of whether or not I am carrying twins BEFORE my first scan. I know what I look like and what my womb feels like by 12 weeks with a singleton pregnancy, and if this is a twin pregnancy I will look and feel MIGHTY different, haha! ;) I always feel the top of my uterus at the level of my pubic bone as I turn 8 weeks pregnant, and so far there is nothing to feel. So that would be a good early sign - if it's the same as the other times I will feel pretty confident that there is only one baby in there. I can't imagine I'll be in any doubt by the scan.
The other question remains, as always - girl or boy?! ;) I almost chuckle out loud as I ask that kind of question in relation to one of MY pregnancies, ha! ;) My assumption (sort of 95% ish) is boy, because that's what I do. I know it doesn't mean that I'll always bear boys, but 4 in a row is surely fairly good evidence of, well, 5 in a row! I do see other families (granted ALL online, and NONE in real life, since nobody has 5 children at all, let alone 4 boys in a row and then a girl, haha!) with 4 boys and then a girl, or 5 boys and then a girl, but I also see plenty of them with 5, 6, 7 or 8 boys in a row and zero girls. Okay, so I pretty much only find these families at MOMYS (Mothers Of Many Young Siblings) and not anywhere else, but there are LOTS of families there to see! ;)
Yes, I do have names picked for girlie twins (first and middle names) - I am sure about the first one and not quite so sure about the second, even though I love it, because I also love a THIRD girl's name, so I change those back and forth a bit, but yes, I have names! Now, Neil does NOT have girlie twin names. He also slightly curls his lip at my choices! So while I say I *HAVE* the girls' names picked, that all might change if we end up actually HAVING twin girls! ;)
We do have a full boy's name picked, 100% for sure, first and middle names. I am not planning to share those names until the big scan, when I like to reveal both the gender and the baby's name here at the same time. Some pregnancies I think I have shared names that we're considering, or maybe a shortlist we're choosing from, and I DO like to share early! But I like the announcement, and being excited about it, so I will keep you in suspense until then I'm afraid! :) We tell family the name when we tell them the gender (after the big scan), but nobody else at ALL finds out the name until the birth. We do tell the whole world that we're having a boy, so we like to keep something unknown for the announcement that he's here. One of my pregnancies, I did say I wouldn't share the name here until the scan, and then before the scan I changed my mind and shared! ;) So you never know! But the plan is not to share here till the scan. I guess that would take place roughly the last week in July or the first week in August. I can't wait! :) It's always so fun, and the fun isn't dulled at ALL by finding out it's another boy, even if we've already caught a glimpse of "something" at the 12-week scan! ;) I do think that this time, when we see those familiar boy bits in grainy grey and white on the screen, we will probably just start to laugh and laugh! ;) Neil did that last time, and I feel like I will join him this time, hehe! It's kind of funny when it happens. The sonographer is curious about the laughter and we feel like we're telling a joke or something as we say, "We've got X boys already!" ;) It's fun to see their reactions, and they say, "No girls?!" in a shocked tone!
Now, if we turn up at that scan and I glance at the boy bits and see that they are missing, I am pretty sure that if I can speak I will probably stutter out, "Is that a...a... GIRL?!?!" Either that or I will fall off the bed in shock. Seriously. I am sooooo not expecting to ever see a baby with girly bits in my tummy! ;)
Well I just took a break to nurse my sweet Benjaminny who woke up while I was typing the above. Ahhh how I love it! How grateful I am to be allowed to go through it all again! :) So wonderful!
I have no soreness whilst breastfeeding still, but I know that can change at any time. Very glad that there hasn't been any yet, so far! I am having occasional little ligament pains and pulls, and have continued to have a lot of discomfort and pain around my pubic bone (above/behind/to the sides/under it). It's not the pubic bone itself at all, but what is going on underneath, deeper inside. It HURTS! I don't *think* this is usual for me, but I honestly can't remember for sure, and I haven't had chance to check my diary. But anyway. Right now I haven't got any discomfort, and in fact today has been quite comfy in that department as far as it goes, but most of the week it has been distractingly sore or uncomfy. I wondered about a bladder infection at one point as it felt sore to wee a couple of times on a particular day mid-week, but other than that I have had no other symptoms of one at all.
Yesterday I started to get a big increase in CM. I think that IS normal for me somewhere around now. I was sure it was bleeding, but no! :) I do have to wear panty liners now though. Makes it easier to check for bleeding, which I am still doing when I go to the toilet.
I am ridiculously tired all the time. My husband is truly a star! He is out of work at the moment. He does have things he needs to work on every day at the computer, but since I started feeling hideous, he lets me have humongous lie-ins every day!!! What a man! :) He gets up with the boys at 6am or so, and I stay in bed. A couple of hours later, he brings me Benjamin to breastfeed, and after I do that I put him down for his nap next to me. Then I go back to sleep with him! I sleep as long as he does (variable, but today it was an incredible 3 hours - all morning!!!) and then get up with him and try to eat something. Neil does all (ALL!) the pooey nappies in this house at the moment, because I find them so impossible with how sick I feel. And only one of our four children is potty trained! He also wipes the bum of the potty trained one, when he needs help! He is WONDERFUL. I have never had a pregnancy where I have been blessed to be able to nap, after the first one. Once you have children, that's the end of that! ;) Unless you still have a napper, but even though Arthur wasn't even a year old when I got pregnant with Matthew, he was such an appauling napper that I didn't get to nap that time either! This is so wonderful. I have never had a pregnancy like it, and I feel so incredibly blessed.
That said, with allll that extra sleep, even today waking up at 11am (!!!), I was tired enough by only 1pm (yes, 2 hours later) to feel shaky with exhaustion. Crazy! Even when I am just sitting around reading to my little ones, my body is doing enough busy stuff inside to make me feel like I just trained for a marathon or something! I still yawn and yawn and yawn my way through the afternoons after my morning lie-ins, and occasionally doze off by accident breastfeeding Benjamin before his afternoon nap. I struggle to stay awake at bedtime when I put the boys to bed. And yet I am often up late (till midnight usually) just relaxing on the sofa and catching up with blogs and Facebook. I try to graze on food all evening, and try to get some fluids in as well, especially if I haven't done too well at that during the day. It's a good time to catch up a bit in a relaxed manner! The place doesn't feel very relaxed with all these noisy little boysies running about all day long! ;) I am not sure that I remember feeling this tired the other times, but I probably did. I just think that I feel JUST as tired, even with the masses of extra sleep, so wouldn't that equate to being MORE tired this time? Hmmm.
So I am one blessed girlie to have such a fantabulous unemployed husband! :) I have no idea how I'd manage without him right now, but looking back at the other pregnancies, I know I just would get on with it and somehow "manage" all the same. The house is in a horrible state though. Neil is running the laundry through (our machine broke! And is now fixed, yay! And our lovely church family did some washing for us while it was broken!) and some dishwasher loads, but otherwise it's a real state. I can't bear to be in the kitchen at all, it just makes me feel so sick! I do pick up the living room and fold laundry, but I get dizzy doing that for too long. I have had quite a lot of lightheadedness and dizziness. And yesterday I had my first pregnancy-induced blood sugar crash thingy, where I went from queasy and not hungry to incredibly ravenous in about 60 seconds, and then when I couldn't get food RIGHT THEN I went straight to visibly shaky and wobbly, and faint. I get that a lot with my pregnancies, but I don't think this early. I'm too busy feeling sick to have that kind of thing going on, probably! And it's difficult because I DO feel too sick to eat like I'm ravenous, but still need to. Yeurgh.
I can't think what else? Oh I had a dream the other night! I am having crazy vivid dreams every night, but the other morning I woke up from a really simple matter-of-fact dream about having had the baby. It was like a couple of lines from a birth announcement, short and to-the-point. It just said, "Boy. 8lbs 8oz." and that's it! And I woke up at that exact moment and lay there thinking, "Well, that's it then!" because it seemed soooo likely, weight and all! I have had boy dreams and girl dreams in my other pregnancies though, so I don't put much on gender dreams. I did have one right before Matthew's scan that had a sense of reality to it - in that he was a boy, and I just KNEW it was an accurate dream. But I also have loads of gender dreams that are just "for fun", you know? I rarely think they have any bearing, because I have girl ones too. I haven't had any girl ones yet this pregnancy, but that's probably because that would just be a WEIRD thing to dream about for me, ha! ;)
My Tiny Pip is getting ever so much more developed all the time - with eyes and heart valves and kidney buds and lung sacs and limbs and so on developing! Soooo much going on in there right now, it's amazing. It seems to me when I read the information that the pace of development is at a peak at the moment. The baby is curled over with a HUGE head so that it looks sort of square shaped, and is about 5 or 6mm square! Very visible now! :) This is the stage that I have had a lot of the early scans, so I know what that little pickle looks like in there already! :) I can't wait to meet him!
Feeling sick and it's getting late, so I will try to nibble something else and then go to bed. Yay for 7 weeks approaching! :) I remember 7 weeks is also pretty hideous, as is 8 weeks, but it gets more exciting with each week passing, and it's also another week towards the finish line as far as morning sickness goes, so that's helpful! I'm glad to feel reassured that Tiny Pip is okay in there, with allll this quease. I'm still praying to NOT have any more of it, and for Tiny Pip to do fine all the same! :)
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