Friday, April 2, 2010

Vindicated! ;)

Sooo here I am at 11DPO - yes, ELEVEN!!! :D

I woke up this morning from a vivid scary dream about watching the sky turn suddenly into a swirling vortex and tornados touch the ground and chunks of clouds falling off as fire and sparks (who has recently read Revelation, huh?! ;) ), and then I was AWAKE. I touched my skin - WEIRDLY soft. I put the thermometer in my mouth, and lo and behold it was 37.0!!!!!! Not only a humongous jump but also a temp that I pretty much never reach except in my pregnancy cycles! 37.0!!! At 11DPO!!! With a short luteal phase!!!! I was sooooo excited.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a test. THERE'S A LINE, THERE'S A LINE!!!!! People, there's a LIIIIIINE!!!! It's so faint, but nothing at all like the kind of faint that I was talking about with the earlier tests. This is a really visible line, but just faint. I called Neil upstairs (he knew what my temp was and that I was testing) to ask him to check it for me so I could be sure it wasn't just me being crazy, hehe! He took one look at it and said, "Yes, there's a line!" and we had a big hug! :)

Just soooooooooo excited right now!!! So I feel ever so relieved about the confusion I was having and my feelings that I was pregnant, which I was beginning to not trust. Thankfully I was right and I apparently CAN trust myself! ;)

I took a photo, poor light because it's horribly dingy and rainy this morning - not sure if you'll see the line on this one:

And then I fiddled about with it to make it more clear (darker still, sorry!):

Do you see it now? It's definitely there, even if a photo isn't cooperating with me very well to show it!


Baby #5 (be still my heart!!) is due December 13th according to FF based on my ovulation date. I will have had a baby in 2008, 2009, and 2010! :)

I will definitely be back later to update again, but I have to get started on my day. We were going to go to the Good Friday walk of witness in town with some people from our church, but it's really raining so I am not sure about it now. I feel a bit shaky! :) I wasn't crampy on waking, but I'm starting to be crampy again now a bit like yesterday - not so bad as yesterday yet though. No other symptoms to report yet. I'll be back later!!!!! :D

[Edited to add: PLEASE DO NOT MENTION AT FACEBOOK!! Thank you! :)]

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