My milk started to change from colostrum just under 48 hours after Samuel was born, and took a full day to become the "very much IN!" milk with some engorgement - so I guess he was 3 days old when my milk came in properly. He has been breastfeeding pretty much non-stop since he was born. If he's not breastfeeding, he is asleep, but not really in a predictable pattern like some babies are at this stage - feed, sleep for 2 hours or so, feed, sleep for 2 hours or so, etc. He is starting to sleep longer now that he's getting SO VERY FULL, but I can't predict whether he'll sleep hours or 20 minutes. I think I am probably more attached to this baby than my others - physically, I mean. Right now he is on my bed next to me, sleeping on his front (which I never put him down on) where I put him briefly when I needed to go to the loo. He had been sleeping on my chest so I figured he might stay asleep long enough for me to go to the toilet if I kept him sleeping on his front where he was all warm and toasty. Samuel actually seems to be very happy sleeping on his back (only 2 of my others were) so I am really pleased to go with that! I always get so nervous if the only way they'll sleep is on their tummies!
Anyway, he has stayed asleep longer than the time I needed to go to the loo, so I thought I would make the use of a very rare opportunity when both my hands are free, and update my blog as fast as I can before he wakes and needs at least one of my hands again! ;)
He breastfeeds for quite a long time. Some of my babies have been all done within 5 or 10 minutes for a full feed. Samuel likes his food! ;) He takes his time on one side, and then wants the other, and takes his time with that too. My milk is very plentiful as it usually is by this stage, and he is getting a lot of milk very fast, but perhaps it's because he's such a big baby - he's not choking on it at all (Benjamin didn't either) and he's able to take an awful lot of it before he's officially full. When he's full, he falls asleep on the breast. I burp him sitting up on my lap (soooooo precious with his little doughy cheeks resting on my hand as I hold his chin!!!) and then give him the other breast, and when he falls asleep I simply lift him up onto my chest. I spend my time mostly propped up in bed semi-sitting, with pillows. So if I put him on my chest, he's semi-reclining forwards, and he's upright enough to burp in his sleep. He brings his wind up very easily which I'm thankful for!
Anyway, there we stay until he wakes again and roots, which is often a couple of hours! Sometimes he doesn't fall asleep right away, or else I change his nappy and then he's wide awake. At those times he goes extremely calm and quiet and alert, and just looks into my eyes, or at the contrast of my hair against the walls or the pictures on the walls. I fall so deeply in love with him during these times! I can't describe how precious he is to me, and I feel it SO keenly when he's gazing at me with those tiny newborn peepy eyes, over those soft soft SOFFFT doughy cheeks. The photos (which I'll post in a minute!) just don't do them justice - they look doughy like actual dough, but there's no firmness or resistance to them in reality. They're like butter! Butter, I tell you!! I am just beyond blissdom. I kiss those cheeks too many times a day to count, just for the sheer pleasure of doing so! He's SO adorable. *sigh*
So we spend our days in constant contact - either breastfeeding, or snuggling with him on my chest. At night I lay him next to me in my bed and nurse him side-lying and he goes to sleep, and then so do I. When he wakes later, I nurse him again without moving. I don't change his nappy at night at all unless he has pooed, which he sometimes does once in the night (I'm sure that will increase pretty soon!). About every other feed (or ever feed if I am not too asleep to remember!) I lift him up without moving myself, and sort of drape him over my waist as I lie on my side, so that he's sort of kneeling upright against my tummy, looking over my back. I pat his back and he burps, and then I lay him down next to me again. It's the easiest way to burp a tiny baby at night - no getting up at all! :) I did that with Benjamin and it worked a treat!
Christmas happened somewhere in the blur of rose-tinted hormones - I think it was good?! Was it?! Hehe! I am not noticing much of anything lately! We did the usual presents for the children, but nothing else that we normally do for Christmas. We had no visitors, and we didn't go out. We had planned to do a roast lunch for Christmas but it didn't pan out - it was a lot for Neil to take on by himself, and I will be more able to help if we do the whole Christmas meal thing at a later point - even next weekend as a sort of New Year's celebration maybe? So we had cheese sandwiches with salad for lunch, lol! And pasta with homemade pesto and tomato sauce for dinner. We didn't mind a BIT. The boys were so thrilled with all their gifts and spent the whole day playing vigorously with them all - ohhhh the siren noises would have driven me insane if I'd spent the day downstairs, and they nearly did all the way upstairs too! ;) They got several emergency vehicles which make sirens, and a wooden fire station and road set, with a siren on the station too. I did go downstairs (slowly!) with Samuel first thing in the morning to be there for all the present-opening, which was nice! I think it lasted an hour or so, and I was just feeling grey and exhausted by the time they'd finished. I didn't even feel like I could sit upright, and just took it as a sign that I should be resting in bed still! So I went back up afterwards, and took a nap for a couple of hours with Samuel, and felt better.
I have been so paranoid about that placental lobe since Samuel was born. I just keep thinking, "Where on earth IS it?!" remembering how obvious it was at 2 different scans - one of them only 7 weeks ago! It did not come out, so where is it?! The placenta was examined at the hospital by the doctors with the knowledge that there was a lobe on the scan, and still they conclude that there is no way anything was ever attached to that placenta. It's absolutely complete, with no torn membranes or vessels leading off the main body - nothing missing whatsoever. So strange! If it's God doing something miraculous then I am NOT surprised, but if I take my eyes off Him for a moment then I am worried all the time, wondering if/when I will start to bleed heavily or get an infection.
The midwife came round the day after Samuel's birth to check on us. She felt my tummy and said my womb still seemed "quite high" but was contracted. That was the statement that stayed in my head for the next few days and filled me with anxiety. My womb always always seems to be really well contracted after having a baby, and usually the midwife comments on how contracted down it is already. So it was the first time I'd heard someone say it was still quite high (this midwife hadn't known about my extra lobe) and so it concerned me. By the next day it didn't seem to me any lower (it was maybe an inch below my tummy button) and so I started to get a bit overly anxious and phoned Heather for advice. She had me phone labour ward and ask their advice, and they said that since I was not bleeding heavily or in pain, they were not concerned but that I should arrange for a midwife to visit the next morning. So on Christmas Eve a midwife came round in the morning and felt my tummy - she was so nice about it and really reassuring. It wasn't much lower than before but she said it was fine and in the range they expected at this stage. My bleeding has actually been really light, so that's good. It's like a normal period, and I'm only using regular period pads (med-light flow) and that's all I need right now.
I have been having normal afterpains, especially when breastfeeding, but they've not been so ferocious as last time around. I hope that's okay too... They've pretty much stopped now though. During the day on Christmas Eve I was becoming more and more crampy low down, front and back, and just feeling a bit more sore than usual. I also noticed the night before that, that it was a bit sore to wee. It was MIGHTY sore to wee within the first 12 hours of giving birth, but gradually got less so as time went on. But on the 23rd in the evening it seemed a little more sore. The next day by late afternoon it was almost unbearably painful to wee, and the crampiness was constant. Heather (bless her heart, getting all these worried phone calls from me at Christmas! She was so nice about it!) said I should drink a TON and phone the GP surgery to see if there was anyone still there at closing time on Christmas Eve. I had to be kind of persuasive with the receptionist (are all receptionists like this?! Tsk!) about speaking to a doctor, but a really nice GP came on the phone in the end and I told him my symptoms. He wrote me a prescription for a 3-day course of antibiotics right away and said he would leave it at reception for the next hour before they closed, or if we couldn't get to pick it up in that time, he would WALK to the nearest chemist and leave it there for me in case they were open longer! So nice of him! He was concerned that I get some treatment for a bladder infection quickly since I was so newly postpartum, and it was Christmas the next day.
It was a bit tricky because the only person who could possibly pick up the prescription was Neil, and I was not yet in any sort of state to be left with the little ones even for a short while! They were bouncing off the walls downstairs and being difficult, and Neil was in the middle of cooking sausages for dinner! In the end, he got the sausages out to cool, instructed the boys to behave for me, and went as fast as he could to the surgery to pick up the prescription and get the antibiotics at the chemist. He was gone about 30 or 40 minutes, and it was scary! The boys didn't obey me when I asked them not to do such-and-such, and I felt so weak physically that it made me want to cry. Benjamin climbed onto the windowsill to watch Daddy go, and then couldn't get down so I had to go (very slowly) downstairs and lift him down, which I felt physically quite shaky about. I wasn't feeling too well with my bladder infection by then too, which didn't help.
Anyway, after what seemed like an eternity (!!), Neil came home with my antibiotics - what a star! I only have one left to take tonight and I have finished the course, and I feel SOOOO much better now.
The midwife came again today and did Samuel's heel prick test (sniffle! He was such a good boy even though he needed TWO heel pricks because he didn't bleed enough from the first one!), and weighed him. He weighs 9lbs 1.5oz today so has lost about 5% of his birth weight, which is normal. His meconium ALL passed in one great poo-a-thon yesterday (8 poos in one day!!!) and today he is passing small mustardy-yellow breastmilk poos so he's cleared out nicely! :) Also she felt my tummy and my womb is really well contracted down, which was very reassuring to hear! It's only an inch or two above my pubic bone now and she does not think anything can possibly be retained in there. I hope she's right!
Samuel is awake and starting to cry so I'm going to stop this for now and breastfeed my sweetie-peadle! :)
Back again to finish off, but one-handed now as my lil treasure is on my chest sleeping, and I'm cuddling him to me with my left arm :)
Here are the first 4 photos of Samuel (the ones I've already posted at Facebook) - we could not find either of the cameras after he was born, and it was 36 hours before Neil found them in the car! I was a bit sad to have no photos of his first 24 hours or so :( But never mind. Here is the first photo of Samuel at about 40-or-so hours old, doing what he did most at that time - rooting on his hands! :)
Two days old (see how swollen his eyes are from the birth?! And the CHEEKS I was talking about earlier!):
Cuddle with Daddy at 2 days old:
Benjamin holding Samuel for the first time - sooooo precious! I have had comments about them looking the same size in this photo, but I promise it's all just a camera angle thing! I know he's over 9lbs but he really is just sooo teeny tiny all the same - MUCH smaller than Benjamin, and especially his little head! I am not sure why his head looks so big here! I will have to take a side-by-side photo of them so you can see what a huge size difference there actually is!
Here's a little video clip I took of Samuel at 2 days old, really just to make a record of his sweet little snuffly, rooty, reflexy self for me to look back on - this sweet stage passes too fast!
Here's my little manny at 3 days old on Christmas Eve. He looked so like a little Christmas present when I lay him down for a moment, dressed in his Christmas sleepsuit, that I couldn't resist a photo! :)
He is, without a doubt, the MOST wonderful Christmas present I have ever (or probably WILL ever) receive! I'm so thankful that he's here, and that I have five (!!!!) precious children. Five! I keep being freshly astounded that this statistic applies to ME! It's so surreal somehow. I have to keep saying it out loud, "I have FIVE children!" and then again for, "I have FIVE sons!!" because wow, that's a lot of sons - how blessed am I?! Not many women these days can say they have five sons. It takes my breath away sometimes when I think about it properly. I just can't believe I actually have five children. FIVE children. How perfectly wonderful! Now the only thing more wonderful than five children would be six children! But that's for another entry at another time, I guess! ;)
I'll try to update again soon. I have more photos taken in the last couple of days but no chance yet to upload them, and of course I have much more that I could waffle on about! But I think that's the main stuff updated about, so it's a good start! :) Thanks for all the lovely comments and congratulations! xxx