Monday, September 19, 2011

4 weeks, 5 days - insecurities...

I'm still here, I think! :S I have some bleeding today, but it's a bit sporadic. I'm not sure what to make of it. My temperature was down a touch on yesterday's (which was down a touch on the day before's), but triphasic all the same.

Brown spotting has continued today as yesterday. THEN around 6pm or so, I went to run the boys a bath and stopped for a wee - found dark/mid-red blood :( I know that's not good. I remember a doctor at the hospital when I was bleeding heavily (bright red) with Nathan, saying that dark red bleeding was actually more indicative of miscarriage than bright red bleeding, so at the time that was an encouragement.

I have also had a backache low down for most of the day, just mild. It was getting worse by the time I noticed the bleeding, and shortly afterwards it got a LOT worse and I became quite crampy feeling at the front low down too. Not BAD cramps, though I've charted bad to differentiate from my usual mild ones (which I've also had today, as most days I think, on and off). Neil got home shortly after this discovery and took over the boys' bath and much of bedtime prep so I didn't need to physically exert myself much. I spent the next couple of hours quite crampy (constant, not waves or peaks), and with bothersome low back ache (more bothersome than the crampiness). However 5 hours later the cramping is gone(disappeared 2 or 3 hours ago) and the back ache is minimal and not bothersome or distracting. Checked my pad and there is only some dark red spotting, nothing more.

What is going on?! I was sure I was starting a miscarriage early this evening, although I DO still feel pregnant, in terms of queasiness, hormonal moodiness (fly-off-the-handle day today), and I don't have much taste for food still (especially sweet foods) but my stomach is scrunchy hungry today, before I get to a meal time - a good pregnancy sign for me. I feel a bit weepy over children's stories - a lamb being born on a farming DVD the boys were watching choked me right up this afternoon! Still exhausted and a little dizzy today. Really bothersome headache this evening, which started around the boys' bedtime like the one I had at 6DPO (the day before my "period" started, which made me think it was a pre-period headache). I feel tired and congested (blood, not sinuses!) in my head, and HOT this evening.

I am planning to temp for confirmation (as in, whether it has dropped) tomorrow, AND test with my last pregnancy test, to see if it's getting lighter. The next day, I'll be 5 weeks pregnant and if things seem to be going okay still, I need to book my pregnancy in with the GP. Today I felt very unsure about the pregnancy while I was bleeding and cramping, so I thought I would not go to the GP (even though I'm meant to go asap) to book just yet.

Despite all of the above, I am still going with "Yay! I'm pregnant!" until proven, PROVEN, otherwise! :) There are lots of hints with the bleeding and cramping, but that's not proof for me yet, because I always have some sort of bleeding at some point! I want to read back my diary entries for this stage of Benjamin's pregnancy, because I started bleeding red with him at 5w2d and cramped like crazy, and was SURE as sure that the pregnancy was over, and then it quickly faded to spotting and all was well. I am wondering if it could be a similar thing. I really don't see why I am having all this BLEEEEDING though, from pretty much implantation time onwards! :S It has been 13 days now. I hope Sausage will be okay...

I will update tomorrow! So tired now, and need to go to bed.

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