Second post today! I presume most people saw my earlier post and didn't comment because of the unsureness of things?
It's almost the boys' bedtime and I've just finished settling Benjamin to sleep. Now I need to go and get the other boys ready for bed (Neil isn't home till 7pm usually, and they go to bed around then, or shortly thereafter), but I wanted to write a quick update here because I'm so tired that I'm just going to go to bed pretty soon after they do, and I won't have time to update here this evening.
I feel now like I'm waiting for a period to show. I have been checking all day - nothing yet. I feel yucky and crampy in a somewhat different way, and feel very different mood-wise as well. Today has been really hard! I have had a horrible headache till 2pm which wouldn't go with painkillers, and the boys have been really trying. I was changing Benjamin upstairs after a record-breaking "I'm eating food!" poo, and Matthew crept up behind me from downstairs without me noticing and I nearly leapt out of my skin when I saw him a foot away from me! I seemed to really over-react (physically) and felt tearful over it, and JUST as I was recovering after I'd sent him back down again, Arthur did the same thing and shouted "BOO!!!" three inches from my ear without me having a clue he'd come upstairs! My nerves are frazzled to their last endings, and I almost cried! I also almost cried at least a dozen more times after that as they did their various things they do - not listening when I asked them to do something, making crazy loud noises at the tops of their voices and not stopping when I asked, bickering and arguing over toys, etc. I just had noooo emotional ANYTHING to deal with it, suddenly. Finally taking Benjamin to bed I stepped on a toy in the arch of my foot and it hurt soooo much. I guess my emotional reaction was enough that Arthur came over and gave me a hug and said, "It's alright Mummy, it's alright." *sigh*
Hormone City, suddenly. My constant gassiness has almost completely vanished as of mid-morning, and my headache cleared up for the most part mid-afternoon, though it is still hanging around and a bit sore now. I feel queasy, but maybe just queasy like my period is coming, if that makes sense? I don't have any confidence about it now, and I feel low emotionally anyway, so prone to be negative. PMS, I should say?
I'm sooooo tired out! The line is still there on my test, but it's so faint. I took some photos like yesterday but I won't have any chance to upload them because I'm just going to bed, and there probably isn't any point anyway, as I'm sure I'm waiting for an impending period now. I do feel a bit down about it, but oh well. I'll feel better tomorrow after some sleep and a little time put between now and then. GOD KNOWS BEST!! :) Good to remind myself! And I trust Him completely. I will still temp tomorrow to confirm what is going on, and I'm going to order some new pregnancy tests, because I have one left now. It will be great to say I have had a 10 day luteal phase! But I may not get that far if my period shows up before I get to bed this evening. Anyway, I will update tomorrow! Better go and sort the boys out now!
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