It's that time of the month again, hehe! ;)
Today I am at Cycle Day 20, and I think I have ovulated. I am on day 6 of EWCM, so I would be expecting to by around now. Some things of note, some of which I am confused about (!):
* Fertile signs VERY strong this cycle (CM, etc), more so than usual.
* Mucho increased parsnip drive, again more so than usual. Neil hurt his back at the weekend (or was it the end of last week?) and I thought we may not actually have any chance of pregnancy this cycle, but thankfully he recovered after a few days! I do love the CHANCE of pregnancy! We do not TRY for a baby per se, but I do love the fact that there's almost always a chance, given our parsnips! :)
* Much more noticable ovulation pain and discomfort leading up to ovulation this cycle too.
Here's the thing that is confusing me. Last night I was rather uncomfortable with what I had charted as "ovulation pain" that day and the day before, just aching and that certain type of dragging pain that I associate with ovulation. I usually don't feel it so clearly as that though. This past week I have been having some trouble falling asleep. My restless leg syndrome is bothering me and I am spending about an hour doing the highland fling around the bed before I can get comfortable enough to settle down. Or else I get to thinking about stuff and then I can't switch off my brain to go to sleep for a while. Anyway, I was still awake at 1am last night and over the course of about a 5-minute period began to feel really obvious ovulation pain, again much more clearly than I usually feel it. This was pinching and searing and bruisey all in one, and very pinpointed over my right ovary, and I knew I had just ovulated (just hours after parsnips, woohoo!! ;) ). It hung around till I finally fell asleep a while later.
In the morning, the pain had gone, though I still felt a little crampy, and my temp had gone up to 36.4 (from where it has been sitting at 35.9/36.0) - always a post-ovulation temperature for me, though on the low side of those, so far. BUT, EWCM in abundance again today, right through the day. I think it is definitely going away this evening though. Also, same parsnip drive today as in my "pre-ovulation" window, which is VERY VERY odd for me from the moment I ovulate onwards! I have had on and off achy ovary discomfort through the day, and then late this afternoon I had another very clear case of "ovulation pain" - the pinchy/searing/bruisey thing that I'm very familiar with when I ovulate.
So now, how can that be? That's very weird for me, and I am a bit confused by it. I do think I have ovulated, and I have never felt it so clearly as I did last night, so I'm sure I ovulated then. But I never have very fertile CM for a full day after ovulation along with the increased parsnip drive - those are both only signs of impending ovulation for me. I would start to second guess myself about having ovulated last night, but I'm SO sure of the feeling (which is confusing again since I was also so sure of the feeling this afternoon), and also my temp confirms it at 36.4 (I never have this temp unless I have ovulated, especially when it's a jump up from the previous temps like it is this time).
I don't know enough about it, but is it possible to ovulate twice within 24 hours? I always thought not, but I can't understand the ovulation pain I have experienced, and the intensity of the fertile "signs" this cycle. It's weird and I don't know what to make of it!
The only other things that are a little off the norm for me are hugely increased appetite today and yesterday, for no apparent reason, and also just feeling a bit hormonal and weepy today, which is odd at this stage!
In any case, one way or the other I feel pretty sure I have ovulated and I am now possibly 1 day past ovulation and waiting for my chart to confirm ovulation once I get to 3DPO, if my temps support that. I think the chance of conception is very very high this cycle, and am just praying that this time it will be a pregnancy that gets started properly and continues healthily!
I'll be updating here more often after the next day or so! :)
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