Ahhh, thank you Jeannie, that makes sense! :) I Googled as well and found that you CAN ovulate twice in 24 hours (like Jeannie said, with fraternal twins - d'oh, of course!), but I just thought double ovulation would be ovulating two eggs at basically the exact same time. Apparently, not necessarily! But I'm still not sure because my temp had risen before the second round of ovulation pain, so that indicates a rise in progesterone, which would mean that my body wouldn't ovulate again after that had occurred. I think? Anyway.
My last period was definitely not implantation spotting though - it was heavier than usual and otherwise a normal period, and my temps have supported it (not that I've taken many of them this cycle), so I think everything points to a normal cycle with ovulation just having occurred. I still have a lot of pelvic discomfort today, but more just achy and draggy. Maybe it's something slightly embarrassing like constipation, and nothing to do with my reproductive system at all! ;)
Today my temp was the same as yesterday's temp, 36.4. I'm sort of waiting for it to go up a bit more, because while these are definitely post-ovulation temps, they are still on the low side, and I'm wondering what's to come. Flat temps are very often a pregnancy sign for me, according to my chart history! :) See, I'm symptom spotting at FORTY-EIGHT HOURS past ovulation. *sigh*
Okay, a couple of things I wanted to note from today - I had a smear test today. I just came due for one and they like it to be mid-cycle, so knowing I might be pregnant by the end of this cycle I hurried to make an appointment this week before it was too late! In the UK you're not allowed smear tests during pregnancy. If you're due one, you have to wait till after you've had the baby, and I did NOT want to wait another 10 months or so for a smear test once I'm due for one (since they only give them every THREE years in this country! I personally think that's rubbish, and women should be offered them at least annually!!).
Anyway. Smear test done. Watching for a little spotting from that, but none so far. I had some after my last one, so if I chart any, that's what it's from, okay? The nurse was somewhat agog that I'd had four babies (why is four so exceptionally unusual?!?! It isn't really, as far as I can see!), and even more so when she found out they were all boys and all under the age of 6. She asked about contraception and dropped her jaw again when I told her we don't use any. She asked if my cycles were regular (the routine questions) and I told her I am breastfeeding my 8-month-old, so I don't usually ovulate till around cycle day 20 and then I have a short luteal phase. This seemed like normal information to me, but she sat there frozen with her pen poised, just watching me in surprise and amusement! Apparently it's unusual for someone to know that much about her cycles! ;)
A few little "things" happened today that I wanted to note here, that made Neil and I exchange glances!
This morning I was sitting on the sofa with Matthew, and he was quiet for a moment, and then said, "Mummy? Who's in your tummy?" I confess my pulse quickened a bit! ;) Arthur has done this before, but Matthew has never said stuff like this to me, ever. I asked him what he meant, and he asked me again who was in my tummy, so I asked if he meant like a baby, and he said yes. Then he said, "Is someone in your tummy?" and his eyes were so intent and open, searching mine for an answer. I told him I didn't know right now.
When I went to the doctor's today, I strolled into the waiting area and sat down, to find that it was basically just me and a young mother with two infant car seats at her feet. The receptionist was clucking around her like crazy, lol! So I listened to their conversation and discovered that the babies were 3-week-old non-identical twin girls. I know that's totally random and silly, but I admit it ever so slightly gave me goosebumps! I don't think I've seen newborn twins before, ever, let alone girls, with this kind of timing and just right in front of my nose without anyone else there.
This evening as I was putting Benjamin to bed, I heard Arthur talking to Neil downstairs about how blessed and lucky Mummy is to have lots of babies. Neil said he found a baby name book that was hidden behind the sofa for about a year till yesterday when we moved the sofa (!!!) and that was the trigger for the conversation. Anyway I heard him tell Neil that maybe Mummy would have another baby soon, maybe in the spring (?!).
So, silly coincidences aplenty today that are giving me happy goosebumps! :) I know it's daft, but I just wanted to note them here anyway!
Hopefully my temp will still be at least as high as it is today in the morning, so that my chart will confirm ovulation and put me at 3DPO. Then I can let Crazy Obsesso-Woman out of the cupboard that I've locked her in, and have some fun! ;)
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